Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hahahahaha ! Im back postiing alrdy ~ Laughs* Now iin sch !
Was pretty Great today, laughiing for the whole dayyyy ! Haha ~
Cause 5periiods of free lesson, shiiokk pleaseeee ! Teacher absent ~
Vinay&Natasha wasnt around iin sch, so we had free lesson all th way !

Chattiing about some topiics, and all of us was lik, pretty "hiigh" ? Hah !
Sayiing about BGR & experiiencs :x Laughs pleaseee ! Alriight, only once :x
Ate my very 1st chiickenwiing duriing recess, GREATGREATGREAT !
Hah ~ Fiinally ii get to eat Chicken, & wed ChickenWing ! Hohohohohos :x

Then Eng was lik stupiid -.- doiing smth whiich iis lik none of exams business ?
Blablabla ! Did some to entertaiin hiim laaaa :x Hah ! & MT was gdgdgd (:
Talking about the 7th month Ghost Festival thing ! Long appear on Newspaper ~
Laughs* Pretty Hiigh uhs ? Haha ! Was shariing storiies too, scary pleaseeee ~
Now haviing Star lessoon, wiith a relief teacherrr ! Hah ! Nisha left for, dont noe ~
And Vinay iis not around in sch, Greattttt ! 501 goiing havoc iin class, language ~
Malays learniing Chinese, talking some nonsense ! Well, 501 are lik this uhs :x Hah !

Gotta go offff now ! Gonna be release from schh sooonn ~ Studyiing with Xingan later !
Gonna buck up on my studiiies ! Everyone taking Olvl, work harddddd (: Hor diion ?

I Love Ahbeeeeeeeeee !
Xingan & Sisters too (: