Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Birthday ?

Woohoos ! Happy 18 birthday to me, Miss FOO :DD Hahaha ~ Okayokay ! Yesterday night, totally cant get to sleep uhs ! HURHUR . Not because Im excited ? Cause im not excited at all :x Well, received quite alot of Birthday msg ? But none from them, lalalalala ~ Okay, and work half day for today ! Hahah, quite fun ? Cause joking around and laughing about 18years old . Doris ah ! Talking nonsense :x Hahah ~ Okay, didnt went to lunch, cause half day ~ Got treats of CoffeeBeans drinks from Daniel & Lina, thanks uhs ! Hahah . And Hersheys' Chocolate Bar from my dear dear Shirley ! Hahaha, thanks thanks (: Super full cans !? Hurhur ~ Well, left the company at meet JH @ company downstairs . We're suppose to go Sentosa uhs, but the weather doesnt seems to be helping us ? Anyway ! Waited for XGBFF from her school, hahah, she pon school mans, ohmy uhs ! For the sake of me ? Hahah, I THINK SO :x Well, received her Chocolate bonquet, ohmy ~ Im super super touched, but I didnt tear uhs :x Hahah ! Really a big big thanks to her :DD Hmmm, took the chocolate bouquet around and took MRT till Tiong Bahru, hahaha :x Anyway, used there de toilet and MRT back to Changi Airport ! Hahah, ohmygod ahahaha ~ But it's not me taking it :x Hahah, poor JH gotta help me take my bag and the chocolate bonquet ! Big Big Thanks uhs ! Well, took photos and chat chat chat ~ Around 6 plus bus back to Inter ! Hahaha, we are late to meet Mommy they all ~ Well, they also late uhs ! We are still early ~~ But, still meet them at Seoul Garden, and Mommy paid ~ Hmmm, quite nice uhs ? Hahah ~ Eat till almost 9 plus ? Bought a cake and Bus home, hahaha ! 1st time Daddy took bus ? Back home and cut cake, blablabla ! Nobody in the house seems to be interested uhs, zZz ! Anyway ! Tmr wont be working uhs ~ Hahaha . Going ITE College East, help XGBFF with her exams ~ Then meeting Peijuan & Adrian for belated bday celebration ? Hahaha, Pizza Hut uhs, ohmy ! Okayokay, off to sleep le, super tired ! i understand everything now (: