Monday, July 14, 2008

Hey yo ! Im back postiing alrdy, Hah ~~ Ytd was too tiired to post !
Ytd went to Hwee's bbq ! Great & tiired, lots of feeling, ii swear, Hah ~

Morniing wake up around 8am, super tiired ii swear ! 1pm left to Hwee's house ~
Hah, help him take things & 2ndUncle fetch us to hiis bbq pit, wtf pls ! 2pm =.=
Can you imagine the sun, shining super duper briight ! Hah ~ Rotting at pit 15 :x

Drinking water that become warm =.= Laughs pls ! But no choiice, super thirsty la :x
Hmm, waiting for the others to arriive. Then fiinally they come ! Can bbq alrdy ~~
Ate some crab, super niice pls ! Hah, peii 7thAunt go buy can opener ~ Laughs pls !
Was chattiing on th way, lik nobody business ! Hah, but she's greatgreatgreat pls ~~

Left th bbq around 9pm? Reach home at 10pm ! Hah, super tiired ~ Bath, knock out !
Super tiiredd ii swear ! Then next day morniing went to sch as usual, Laughs* Tired :x
Chemistry lesson was kinda slacking :x Laughs* Cause was not doing work that was given !
Chatting lik nobody business again =.= Laughs* It's alright, teacher doesnt care much !

2 Maths periiod, Vinay nvr come ! Laughs* chattiing all th way again ~ Hah ! Jiiettt ahh :x
Changed for PE, then went down for gatheriing ! Today, heiight & weiight, ohhhmyy ahh ~
I weights 49 & 154 tall =.= Heng ah, healthy weight ! Nearly overweiight, Laughs**
NAFA test again -.- SBJ = 156 ! S&R = 42 ! Nth else ~ Jus retake those ii failed, Hah !

Recess, Longan Ice ! When iim still hafind cough :x Eng lesson was super siian pls !
Dont get wat he's talking, but gonna act as if we are listening & we understand =.=
Nah, jus hack it ! Laughs* Physic lesson was greatgreat ! Pratical, super fun, Hah ~~
Topic is about Light ! Then gonna pin here and thr, Laughs* Seems easy, but not hor :x
Need to repeat th same steps again & again, and not only record, but draw diagram !

Lunch, then back to class for MT ! Listening Comprehension Practice, tmr Olvl alrdy ~
Jiieeet ! Get only 5 out of 10 =.= Sad pls ! LiangLaoShi is kinda worry for us, Laughs*
Lalala, 3pm bell ring ! Suppose to collect shorts, but something was delayed, so tmr !
Walk to Tampines Inter, then meet Baby thr ! His phone cnt msg, haven activate =.=

Walk around, ate Mac then Bus back home ! Jiiieeet pls :x My Ez-Link card no $$ :x
So me & Baby gonna walk home, Sorry baby ~ Super tiiring & Xinku pls, ii swear !
Baby help me carry bag, cause ii feel dat my bag iis heavy. But baby say it's nt heavy !
Nvm, he take :x Laughs* Fiinally back home, iis alrdy around 7pm =.= diinneer time ~

Dinner ate fish slice soup, ate half and gave Bro. Cause ii couldnt finish :x Laughs**
As usual, Baby ate ChickenCutlet Rice! Laughs* Bro ate LorMee & Mom ate noodles ~
H2O for me, Bro & Baby ! Hah, then went to Singtel Shop, bought handphone pouch !
&& also my phone's crystal cover ! Great, my phone look new now ! New pouch too ~

Back home, bath & now postiing blogggggg ! Bored pls, Baby has left to meet Cheehao ~
Laughs* Baby's gonna do hmwk with Cheehao ~ I realise, Baby is part of me now :x
He made me know myself, well. Or rather, let me understand myself more now ~
Really ! Sometime ii wonder, does he understand me more compare to myself ? Hah !

Gonna go off now ! As ii promiise Baby to be iin bed at 10pm, cause iim sick, Right ?
Laughs* Tmr 4Art, jiieeeet pls! Tmr gonna pass up Eng, but tmr do in sch ~ Laughhs**
Done done ! Byeeeeeeeeeee ! PS: Planning something in progress ... Laughs*