Tuesday, December 15, 2009

* PMJ 度假屋第1天 *

up with the guys & went to book in chalet 1st ! Was waiting for Yvonne & Ervin to reach in the chalet, and off we went to eat :D Kinda hungry, and after that headed to buy those bbq thingy ~ Back chalet & was playing games ! Heart attack was really fun, && Jianhua is so poor thing ~ His hand was super red, because his reaction abit slow :x They were playing this thingy "TaoPok" ! Im so glad that Im a girl man :D But well, had videos uploaded at FB too ~ Was playing "Dont Forget The Lyrics" too ! Kinda interesting I swear, forfeit is to dance Nobody & video uploaded in facebook too :D Had beach walk & Jianhua keeps try to scare me ! Grats to him, and I feel so weird walking in the beach ~ Headed back to chalet and continue with the games ! All the way, till 2am I think ? Started to chat around and think I fall asleep till 7am .