Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blogger ahh blogger !

Supposely intended to uploadd 21 photos, but only 6 uploaded -.- Keep say error error ! Laughs* Hack it, tmr then upload those pics then (: Ytd went to interchange & bought another set of colour pen ! Haha :x Blablabla ! Then went to Xiuyi house study chemistry ! Left 10 days to study -.- Dinner was noodles, with fries & nugget ! Haha, home around 11 plus ii think ? It's great to sleep with ur love one & wake up with them beside you, haha :x Jus like meeeeeee, Opps ! Baby iis super super lovee, ii swearr laa (: Laughs* Meet Xingan at mac, for lunch & Study ! Till evening, pizza at Xingan house (: ThanksXingan ! Cause ii dont haf money for dinner, so she ask me join her for dinner ~ Home aorund 7.30pm ? Then use computer all the way till nowww ~~ Laughs* Msg-ing Baby & Auggy nowwwwww ! Both of them are together -.- Hahahahaha :x Baby gonna ton with him, & duck they all ! Baby take care kayys ? Get some sleep ! Alriight, tmr 10am mac breakfast ! Together with Xingan, hahaha :x Byeeeeeeee (: