Friday, December 25, 2009

* 圣诞节快乐 (: *

Did you guys enjoyed your countdown last night ? Mine was great ~Had countdown at Orchard, & the atmosphere was really really cool ! Morning headed to ♥ house & passed him the present, cnt open yet ~ Waited for him to prepare & he went out with his friends, me go home ! Meet XGBFF, Yazi was late again & he forget to bring our present too xD Anyway, MRT to Somerset & meet Yvonne they all ! Kinda interesting ? Walking around Orchard ~ And went to eat Yoshinoya for dinner, niceee ! Continue slacking till 11pm ? Went out to Ion & the atmosphere's kinda... Exciting I can say ! Everyone has a bottle of spray on their hand, laugh ~ Spraying was fun, get sprayed by people aint that great, but still enjoyed ! MRT back to Tamp & cab home with Yazi ! He help me carry bag whole day ^^ Ohya, I've gotta 2 present ~ 1 from XGBFF, the card I made for her on her bday ? She made that for me too ! Memory kinda flash back while reading the card :D And a Camera from Y.sheng ~ Thanks har ! Didnt expect, but still thanks ~ Alright, off to bath ! Gonna go salon later on, might reborn my hair ^^ And tonight's party @ Grandma house, Im sure it's gonna be super fun har !