Saturday, September 06, 2008

Apologise, to sisters.

Hmms, pictures posted ! Nthg else already..
Apologise, is what i own every one of them.
Irritated is how they feel now, yea sisters ?
Trust, i doubt i'll be gaining back from them, anymore.
This is what ii am now, sorry sisters.

Confused ? I deserve it.

Alright ! Im awake from my sleeepp :DD !
Well, ytd night studied alone till 1am ~
But ii stil cant finish my chemistry :x Laughs*
Such a waste of time !
But today ii sure finish and start my practice work ! Hahah :x

Hmmm, donedonedone ! Well, still gonna study later on ~~
Hope everything gonna be fine ?
Friendship, relationship, once again turn bad.. Sighs*
What can ii do people ? It's always me alone..
Laughs* Blablabla ! Tmr goiing Xy house studyyy :D Byeeeeeeeee !