Sunday, July 12, 2009

Im sick !

Hey, im back posting liaos :DD Weather is going up and down, so people please do take care of yourself alrights ? For me, sad case ~ Cause, 我生病了 ! Cough getting worst, and flu not getting any better ~ H1N1, dont come find me please >.< ! Anyway, I didnt drink much water that's why it's not getting any better ~ Sound so 活该 rights ? Hahas !

Okay, ytd stayed at home for the 1st half of the day ! Damn sian, and was watching this show named 福气又安康 . Well, it's another drama im gonna stick to it till it's showing over >.< ! Cause thr's isnt much taiwan drama is online now ? All the old show ~ Meet Jimson & Gerald at Tmall around 5pm ? Well, Jimson bought his headphone finally ! At least, not the same as 有些人 :x Walking around Tmall & T1 !

Both of them keeps bully me ~ Wanting to make me buy things ! Cause i said : "I today shall not spend money, so I wont buy anything :D " And I really didnt buy anything alrighs >.< ! Both of them send me home around 8pm ? Gerald tay keep saying : "不要乱乱花钱啊!" I didnt ! But, sad thing is, I gotta pay this month handphone bill myself ~ Means, I cnt buy extra things for myself le :( No specs, maybe cnt even buy a earpiece ? I dont knw ! 
Done-ed with today post :D Off to prepare, lunchhhhh !