Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Nicholas: Laughs* Sorry to mafan you hurs !
evon: It's okay, Im fine :D:D:D
peijuan: Sorry, I dont have the song at all ..
Audrey: Actually wanna jio you ton at my house de :DD
sf: I know ! He cb de :x
XGBFF: Sure cycle soon :DD
geovanni: Got :x
Limhwee.Lex: dont wan bring me go say ! Humphs :x

Hellos ! Im lazy to post alright :x Anyway, went out with XGBFF today ! Finally :DD And bought clothing for my work after that with mommy ~ Then go dinner with Simin & Auggy ! back home, blablabla ~~ starting work from 17november ! Reaching so soon pleaseee ! No more tonning, and no more late waking up le :( Everyday 8am must wake up ! Hurhur ~ Do continue to tagg pleasee ! And msg me during work, can msg ! Hahah ~~ Hao le hao le, I go make diary le ! I love writing diary pleaseeeeeeee :DD