Saturday, June 13, 2009

Cycling !

Hey Im back already ^^ Hahaha, today is a tiring day for me lahs >.< ! Morning went to work around 10.30am ! Damn early, and super tired ~ Anyway, was working with SF too ! Hahah, i can leave around 3pm liaos ~ Had lunch with SF, ate Nasi Lemak . Then headed back to work, super sians ~ Okay, I sold nthg today ? Haha, no comment ! Okay, MRT back to Tampines and took bus home ! Hahas, rested awhile and prepare to go out ~

Hahahas, went to cycle around 5plus . Kinda shiok ? Cycled with Mommy & Zhong ! From Tampines till Bedok ~ Hahaha, maybe on friday we gonna cycle to Pasir ? We shall see then . Haha, was damn hungry ~ So kinda chiong back home cause really hungry ! Back home bath and ate dinner ~ Damn shiok lahs ^^ Hmmm, ate 2 bowl of rice ! Hahahs, use computer till around 10 plus ? Pack things and headed out ~ Was supposed to take bus to interchange, but George (korkor friend) fetch us SF house ^^ Thanks !

Well, reach there and nobody was at home ~ Went to playground and took photos >.< ! Then ZG called and say he's at home ~ So went up and waited for SF to come home from work ~ Gonna stay overnight at her house ^^ And that's the end ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^^