Monday, September 28, 2009

Singing Competitions !

Hey yea ! Im back posting :D Laughs . Yups, ytd was Mommy & Daddy's singing competitions !
Well, it was quite a great oneeee ! Was busy helping mommy with her hair & make up ~ Laughs .
Her attire was totally so nicee xD And, look young ~ Daddy is so tense every competition ! Laughs .
But after competition he's so so different ! Anyway, the competition was quite a fun onee ?
Daddy got 2nd place in the individual part ~ And for the duel, they got 6th ! Not bad already uhs ~

Being a camera girl was my job too ! Laughs ~ Well, at least it's fun ! It's not boring :DD
Didi was the video-cam guy ~ Helping them to video their performance, laughs ! So busy ~
Mommy performance was not bad, but she's too tense ! And she forget lyrics, abit wasted xD
She's dissapointed too ~ But nvm, it's a good experience right ? Next time try harder :DD

Well, after that headed to 201 for dinner ~ Daddy's friend treat, he got championn ! How good ~
Anyway, walked home after the dinner ! With the trophy they won ~ Each me & bros take one !
Totally, feel so honoured xD Laughs, althought not I sing but I feel proud :D So silly ah xD

Took one photo with the trophy, so happy ! Laughs, im so kiddy mann ~ Anyway, back home bath !
Such a tiring day for me ~ Well, but at least I enjoyed :DD ! Went down for supper with didi ~
Together with Mommy's singing mate ! They are so damn cute & friendly, seriously man !
Went home around 12.30am ? Headed straight to bed, so damn tiring ~ Working later on, zZz ~
Totally no mood for work already ! Hmmm, just gotta act as if nthg happen thens ?

你要坚强, 好吗?