Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Hello people im back ! And, my hair is so short now . Yes, I had a "V" shape when I put my hair behind, but the length is so so short.... Anyway, meet up with XGBFF today ! We two totally, we're smart today okay ~ Well, meet at Tmart ! Bus to 419, cut my hair ~ There's this hairstylist ! He's cutting so damn fast, faster than the one that cut for me ~ Laughs, I wasnt looking at the one cutting my hair ! Anyway, went to T1 and was walking around ~ Nthg much, so MRT to Bugis ! Started our shopping spree ~ Well, went to this shop and it's showing, 1 for $25 & 2 for $40 ! Me & XGBFF totally, want ma want ma ? And yeap, bought this kinda like jumper thingy for $20 each ~ Laughs, and she bought quite alot of things today I think ? I bought a wallet, that jumper & my hair leave-on conditioner thingy ! Spend around $40 I guess, im broke man ~ Anyway, while taking MRT back to Tampines, Charmaine called XGBFF ! Asking for my number, but Im just beside her ~ Laughs, walk around Tampines awhile then bus to Tmart ! Back home put those things we bought, and meet Charmaine ~ Together with Cheehao, such a long time we didnt meet I swear ! Chatted for so damn damn long ~ Totally, talking bout last time thingy ! Those funny & silly things we once did, seriously quite a great chat ~ Went to XGBFF house, continue chatting ! Laughs, we do have alot to chat man xD All the way till 10pm, chatter box man ! Anyway, back home bath & im going to sleep soon ~ Tmr Im meeting Charmaine & Angela, Madeline too ? Hope it wont be weird, byeeeeeeeee ~
