Saturday, March 14, 2009

Opps ! I didnt post yesterday, Friday the 13 ~ Didnt post cause Im lazy and lazy ! Well, work half day yesterday . Cause was having bad stomach cramp in the moring, zZz ~~ Sleep till 12 plus ? Meet Simin at EVS nearby coffee shop, had lunch . Saw Yazi, hahaha ! He's nonsese ~~ And saw XGBFF too ! She came back to collect her Cert, next week is me :DD ~ Okayokay, left there around 2 pm and cab to workplace uhs . They thought I wasnt coming anymore, but I still came ! And, that David seriously very scary pleasee ~~ Im very very scare of him ! Hurhur ~ Anyway, sat far far away from him ! Hahaha ~ Okay, went home around 7pm ? They were having a brief talk, while me, Leehoon & Shirley was chatting at our sit :x Haha, cause the brief is not important uhs ! Anyway, bought dinner back home and eat together with GJH ~ After that, watch TV, bath .... Nthg much to do ! Sleep around 1am ? And the stomach aches really wakes me up . Damn it, super bloody pain I swear . Pain till I sweat and teared ~ Chatted with GJH, and he acc me till I sleep . BIG BIG THANKS TO HIM ! Damn it, I couldnt lie down and I gotta go to toilet alot of times then it gets better -.- ! What's the cause ? I dont know uhs . It's still abit unwell now ~ Hahaha, hack it ! Anything worst, go see doctor only ma, hahaha ! Hmmm, gonna go off to prepare :D Today is Sat, and collegues are coming to my house for gathering ! Hahah, maybe update tmr with our photos ? Lalalala, byeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3>