Monday, September 15, 2008

I lovee studying, like nothing else (:

Heyyoohhs ! Wo hui lai le ~~
Currently in school's lab D ! Hahah ~
Suppose to have PE now, but doing quizes !

Blablabla ! Maths lesson jus now, boredd ~
Was doing geo notes during maths, haha !
Rushing ahh, cause not enough time :x

After school gonna meet Xingan again !
Tmart mac study again, hahaha :DD

Then night going to Xy house for Juan's bdae !
Steamboat for dinner, haha, agaiin ahh ~
Celebratiion of Juan's birthday. hahah !
Happy Birthday JuanJuan :DDD

31days to Olvl, ohhmyygodd ahh, hahaha :x
It's exact OneMonth left ! Jiayou Jiayou (:
Im done with Chemistry notes alreadyy ~
Left Maths, Geo & Social Studies only (:

I wonders, is it ____ ?
Or it's jus a Habit ?
Sighs* Im thinkings now..