Sunday, October 19, 2008

Changed skins !

Hahah, iim back alriight ~ Change to this simple skin !
Cause iim lazy to search for other and hafing to edit ~
So this skin will be simple & nice enough for me (:

Ytd went shopping with mami ! Bought 1 tee-shirt (:
Quite nice & it's only $10 ;x haha, sounds lik advertising !
Anyway, Toy'r'us called me ~ Calling me for interview on Thurs .
But ii have exams laa dey, so cannots :( Then they call back !
Hahaha, call me to go for interview after my olvl, they arrange ~
Great laaa, but interview only :( Maybe they dont wan me ?

Anyway, went home and take a nap 1st, damn tiiredd ahh ~
5 plus, daddy came back and we went out for dinner, hahaha !
Supposed to be dinner-ing @ East Coast, but too many ppl le :(
So headed to Bedok 85 in the end, dinner was great laa, damn full !
Drank 2 cup of Sugarcane :x Hahah, back home around 9 plus ba ?

Head to sleep around 11plus ? Hahah, damn damn tiiredd pleasee ~
All the way till morning 10am, hahaha ~ How many hrs haf ii sleep ?
Hmm, 11 to 12, 12 to 1...... total iis 11 hours ! haha, but im still tiired :(
Alright, gonna go preparee & off to RC ! hahaha, dont miss mee deyy :x