Sunday, May 03, 2009

Rotting Occurs >.< !


Hello, im back posting ! Haha, ytd stone at home whole day -.- Totally doing NWT notes & helping out with the chores at home . This is guaibaobao alright ! Haha :x And ytd night had dinner @ Tam 100 plus ~ Together with Kor's GF & Friends . Kinda fun, cause joke and laugh around :D Uncle came too ! Join in and was chatting ~ Suppose to meet Ger & Liang, but last min I cnt make it ! Anyway, dad fetch us back to 201 then walk home .

Haha, i got dad's laptop in my room . With internet, Im not gonna snatch from 'them' le ! Althought abit lag, still able to play Uno with Jimson online ~ Haha, both of us help each other to win . Jus dont want the computer to win ! Laughs* Okay, wake up around 11 plus today morning ! TV till 2 plus :x Headed down to buy KFC ! Haha ~ 2PIECE CHICKEN ! Nice, but ulcer hurts ~ Lalala, Im slow on doing NWT notes ! After so long, Im still @ chapter 2 :x When teacher is alrdy on Chapter 4 !

Okay, Im suppose to meet Ger & Liang today . But I doze off, and not done with my chores yet ! Today im suppose to hang all the black clothings ~ Not done yet :x Okayokay, meeting for dinner I think ? I miss them so much pleaseeee ~~ Tmr meeting Jimson for lunch I suppose ? Haha, and tmr lesson @ 2pm ! Shiok, but RCT is bored ~~ Done with posting ! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee :DD