Monday, April 07, 2008


Hohohohos ! I'm awake ~ Early riight :x
Cos haf to go out -.- Jiieeettt ! Luffs*
Ytd niight playedd Crazy Taxi , Jk PSP !
Luffs*Luffs*Luffs* Really damndamn funny :x
Keep lufiing , Keep Keep Luffing lik mad !
Aniiwae , 9 plus went home and mamii scold mii :(
Jus wtf -.- Dont wanna mentiion ! Hurhur ~
Everyone's attiitude iis badbad enuff ! lols ~
Hmmmms , so hack it andd use my com :)
And now prepariing to leave liiaoos , hohohohs !
Byeeeee ~ Maybe updatee later ? AK lahhs D:

backback postiing ;DDD soso tiiredd lahhs !
jus now went to fetch my aunts && cousins .
then jus headedd to bedok temple . lols !
super hot and damn smoky :x alot ppl too ~
damn stiicky andd diirty :x nth much to say !
back home andd was watchiing CJ7 wiif them .
damndamn funny :x cos they luff loud loud -.-
ate somethiings andd then startedd use com .
soso boredd lahhs ! went to tmart and bought sweets .
guess wat , we bought $10 sweets -.- Luffs*
back home andd was chit-chatiing wiif 2nd aunt -.-
old same nags :x mus work hard la , dont waste money la .
lols ! rubbiishh niiahs _l_ nth much liiaoos !
&&, my bro iis so fcukiing kaobehhs :x Luffs*
and super iirriitatiing lahhs , keep diisturb mii !
ii wanna fapiiqii liiaoos ! :x Luffs* Shuuddup KOR !
stop sneeziing besiide my ear ! andd buyaotuwo ~~
can you tell mii , why today you so NOISY !?
iis my bro , elderbro ! FOOZHIXIANG ;DD
rmb ahh , he iis damn fuckiing iirritatiing lahhs #$%^(