Monday, May 18, 2009

- Hmmmm ? -


Hellos ! Im back again >.< Suppose to update ytd, but im lazy lahs ! Hahahs, okayokay ~ Well, ytd went to SengKang for Jogging & Swimming ! Hahahs, with cousins :DD Okay, headed to Dajie's house to meet her ! Ohmy, her dog named Butter is damn damn scary ~ He keep running towards me, and lick my leg ! At 1st Im scare, but he lick again and again, Im kinda numb alrdy ~ So no feeling liaos >.< ! Hahahs, and headed off to SengKang ! Meet Shangfen, then went to SengKang Complex I think ?

Okays, reach there and was almost tempted by the Mcdonald :x But no worries, we didnt ! Hahahs, went jogging at nearby park and Didi only ran for 1 round ~ Me & Dajie ran 2, and ShangFen 3 ! Hahas, took our things later on and headed to swimming ! Althought I dont knw how to swim, I did enjoy okays ~ Played the slide, woohoos ! Damn fun lahs >.< And super shiok de ! Hahahs, then headed to eat . So coincidence, GarrieKor work theres ! Hahahs, he treats us Chocolate & Coffee Milkshake :DD Thanks ahs ! Okay, headed home and knock out :x

Today lesson was very very bored ! Meet PTBF & FTBG for lunch :DD Headed to TM for lunch, and I was late for lesson ! Im quiet today >.< Lalalalas, headed home around 5 plus ? No care lesson today, CA on leave ~ And bought dinner home, watch tv . Done the CCNA quiz, from Chapter 2 to Chapter 6 ! Well, All average marks, out of 5 fail-ed 2 :x Okayokay lahs hors ? Hahahas, gonna buck up liaos ! Seriously, whether is NWT or RCT, both gotta work hard ! RCT's teacher ttalk to me, saying that I wasnt doing anything in his lesson >.< ! Well, I knw le lahs ~ Will listen and work hard le :x Okay byeeeeeeeeeee !

Nobody knows, yeahs ?