Monday, March 22, 2010



Went dating with Baby ! He came over my house downstairs first . Then we went Bedok interchange, wanted to eat the hawker over there ! But who knows, the whole hawker wasnt open ~ So, we went over to Mcdonald . Went all the way to Bedok, just to have a meal of Mcdonald (+_+) ! Anyway, decided to go Bugis & walk around ~ Took MRT there, zZz ! Went walking around Bugis, & ate ice-cream ! Nothing much ? Last min decision, went Esplanade . So we walk there, kinda great ! Was chatting, & taking photos over there, nice place to chill ~ Around 9pm, MRT back to Tamp & went to find Mommy for dinner ! Baby look kinda paiseh, cos we're together with Mommy's friend :X But well, we sit over at another table together with Zhong, hahahas ! After that acc Baby wait for bus, headed back home with Zhong ~

PS : Look back, & I realize it's so unpredictable