Friday, October 17, 2008

Chills man, huixin !

Ytd wake up 5am for Mac breakfast, hahahaha :x
Poor duck has to accompany us, cause we says so !
Thanks duck, he almost fall asleep one the way back 445 ~
Sci pratical, our exams is only 1hr26mins -.- Damn it !
Did some investigation & send some statement to the MOE.

Blablabl, 1.30pm finally we can leave the stupid hall !
Went to QueensTown with XGBFF, GF, Baobei, Yang&Qinqin (:
Interview was alright baa ? Madeline has higher chance to be choosen :(
Totally shag and cried :x Partly is cause of somethings happening.

Back to Tampines & the plan goes well ! Hahah, heng ahhs :x
XGBFF almost burst into tears, but nvr laaa :x Hahaha .
Then steamboat on the floor, pretty cool yea ? Laughs*
Tooks photos & enjoyed chatting with the girls, hahaha ~

Back home around 12am ? Blablabla, very tiiredd ahh !
Alright, gonna work hard for olvl now ! Monday chemistry :(
Diediedie ! But heng Yang lent me his guide book, xiexie :D
Going XGBFF house for steamboat, and study session again, haha !
Byeeeeeee peoples ! Im not okays inside, remeber kays :x