Saturday, March 21, 2009

( I need some secure, promise ? )
Im back again ! *ahchoos ~ Im going to be sick soon ! Keep sneezing now and then uhs ~ Anyway ! Sleep till 12.30pm, super shiok uhs ! Haha ~ Mommy also sleep till 12pm, super shiok sia . Haha, bath and prepared myself . Went to Tmart Singtel shop and upgrade my plan, So Im using back Singtel now ! My old number . You have ? Dont have ask from me ! Lalalala ~ Get Nokia 5800 for Daddy too ~ Well, it's touch screen, he gotta take some time to learn how to use uhs ? Haha . That's the phone Mommy wanted to buy too actually . Well, went back home then -.- Wear till quite nice and that's whr we went to !

Actually Mommy wanted to Join 6th Aunt for shopping at Expo, but she gotta go out tonight and scare that the time might not be enough ? Well, so headed home and Mommy bought food for us . Wasnt very hungry actually, but still eat . Hahah, after that went to sleep awhile . Quite tired actually ! But woke up by Mommy ~ She's scolding Korkor :x Haha . Was watching tv and updating my phone contacts number ! Blablabla ~ Rotting at home till now -.- And Korkor's friends are all here, mahjonging !

Alright, Im done with posting today . Im a good girl today, stayed at home whole day ah ! Hahah ~ And tmr Im going out alrdy ! Hahah ~ Together with XGBFF, Limhwee & GJH ! Hahaha ~ Going NLB ? For dont knw what ~ And Monday is the Chalet, woohoos ! Hahaha . Think I only know one guy ther :x The rest, strangers ! Hahah ~ Well, hope things will turn well ? Hahah . But still gotta work half day ? Okay de la, I going sleep le . Im not feeling that well, and I got drink alot of water hors ! Byeeeeeeeeee .