Saturday, March 28, 2009

Chalet !

*claps* ! Im finally back ~ Haha, a big big sorry please ! Had been going home late these few days ~ Haha, shall update now ! Well, Sunday went to NLB with XGBFF, LH & Zhong ~ It's was alright uhs, nthg much actually . Borrowed 2 books, and renew-ed my library card . $5, worth ? Okay la, Haha .

Okayokay, while LH was doing research on his F&N, me & XGBFF went shopping at Bugis street, hahaha ! Then went to Expo, headed to all Fair uhs . Adidas, Popular, Food Fair, Robinson, And no more I think ? Lalala, then headed to TM . Bought bag & note books for school reopen ! Laughs .

MondayMonday ! Went to work for half a day, and left the workplace ~ Went home and changed . Then headed to Gerald chalet around 4 plus ? Ohmyohmy, super coincidence cans !? Happen to meet my online friend there, Kenneth ! Well, and I only know Gerald & Xinpei there :x Laughs ! Okay, so daring ah me :x Im the camera girl for the whole chalet ! Haha ~ Gerald helped me to introduce and thanks to xinpei, we got along well with the others too ! Haha ~

Acc Kenneth home and choose DVD to watch together with Gerald, Ivan, Xinpei & Robin . New friends, cool :D ! Okays, then back to BBQ, ate some food and headed to the beach then . Hahaha, together with Albert, Kenneth, Xinpei & Robin ! Totally, Im scare alright ~~ The guys are scaring me with, cats voice and something they saw or what . Well, I trust la ! And I almost cry cans !? Hahah ~ Okayokay, back to chalet . And was watching show, falling asleep please !

Haha ~ Around 3am ? Robin's friend fetch me & Albert home, thanks ! Photos for the day ......

Albert the chef !
Gerald wants me to take this photo :x
Guys prepare, girls eat !
Girls, plus Gerald !
Chit-chatting !
Xinpei & Gerald ~
Xinpei, Gerald, Kenneth & Albert !
Everyone, haha !

Now to Tuesday alrdy ! Not working today, Laughs ~ Anyway, wake up around 11 plus ? And waited for them to wake up before I go find them :x Laughs ! Okayokay, when I reach they were alrdy leaving for Lunch ! Went with them and everyone's face look so sleepy ~ Haha ! Went to mac for lunch, nicenice :D Cause hungry uhs !

Anyway, acc Shirlyn to buy food frm foodcourt, then back to chalet ~ Watching Harry Potter, blablabla ! Dozing off pleaseee ~~ And finished the show, started to take photos and sleeping ! Haha, super tired ~ Hiding under the blanket and gossiping, hahaha, nonsense cans !? Well, till 6 plus ? Went for dinner at E-hub and then Kbox ! Hahaha, super fun pleasee ~ But I gotta go home around 12.30am ? Sian, if not very fun :D

Okayokay, the chalet was really a good one ! Althought it's lik divided to 2 group, but it's still fun ~ And they are truely good friends, hahaha :D I get to know so many friends, Xinpei, Albert, Robin, Kenneth, Ivan and the others ! Haha ~ Nahs, here's the photo for the 2nd day, enjoy !

Take one ! :D
Second !
Snap :x
XP, ghost ! Ken, dead ppl !
Ken, die-ed !
Formal, white :D
Informal :x
Twist ~~
KBOX, Group :D
Robin & Kenneth so loving !
ZhaoCaiMao -.-
I dont knw what's this !
Poor me :(
Singsingsing :DD

Woohoos, Wednesday those guys checked out the chalet and went home to rest uhs . Well me, planned to meet Gerald & Kenneth ! Together with Xinpei ~ For movie, haha ! Okayokay, meet Kenneth 1st, while waiting for Gerald . Laughing about those things happening during the last 2 days ~

Seriously funny ah ! Haha ~ Okay, then they finally reached . Acc me to foodcourt eat, then Gerald at Mac . Watch the movie name, "Race to Witch Mountain" ! Quite nice, not bad uhs . Laughs ! Kenneth doesnt fail to scare me, haha -.- ! Anyway, had dinner at 日本村! Super Nice please, super full ! After that went to nearby park and slack ! Of cause, took many photos too, enjoy ahs :DD

Kenneth & Gerald, eat so many :x
The graphic nice ? Haha !
Duck :x
Twist !
Twist-ed :x
Hurhur :(
Bigs Bully !