Wednesday, June 16, 2010

finally we both get to meet ! & go out on date, hahahaha ~ waited for this guy to wake up, & it's around 1 plus ? silly boy, lied to me saying that he missed bus, still on the way ! but when didi knock on my door, he appears infront of me, super sweet laaaa ♥ so both of us went prepared & this time round, baby dont let didi follow ! reason is : bcos it's our anniversary ~ hahaha ! my baby was really sweet & great on that day, hor ? anyway, was kinda vexed bout what to wear on that day ~ cos i haven wash my clothes ! but thanks to baby, i wore that clothes of mine w/ smthg which somehow suit ?

mrt-ed to bugis ! there's this uncle in the mrt, facing us at 1st ~ but after awhile, he turn aways ! i think bcos we.. are too sweet xD ! reached bugis, well ~ not so much people i guess ? decided to go iluma's empire state, 1st time going there ! anyway, both us look stupid taking photo w/ flash in the restaurant :x total bill, $60.60 ! i paid only $15, thank you baby for the treat ♥ went bugis street, baby insist on buying smthg for me ! but in the end, i didnt buy anything ~ however ! i got myself a bad scratch on my leg, i think that girl did it on purpose ~ baby got so pissed by her, keep looking back, silly but cute ♥

mrt-ed back home around 11 plus ? & baby stayed over at my houseeee ♥ as usual, sleep at "late" night ! cook things to eat, tgther w/ didi & it's a super tiring day for us ~ anyway, thank you baby for being such a great baby ! treating me like a princess, pamper me like nobody would, care for me like im his only precious ~ thank you baby, i love you alot :D