Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ervin's Bday :D

Was suppose to go down his chalet on Friday, but both Baby and I were working ! So, didn't went down ~ Headed over on the actual day instead ! Baby woke up early for me, hahahaha ;) He came over to my house, and we headed out with Mommy & didi ! Went searching for his present, and bought a branded wallet (Picard) for him :D It's shared among quite a few people, but anyway ! Headed down around 3 plus together with Baby :D Nothing much, chatting and laughing around ~ Waited for the buffet to come, and his family join too ! Was chatting all the way till night ~

Everyone was waiting for XGBFF & Jacky to come, so that we could cut the cake ! Laugh, they feel so guilty ~ Anyway, after cake as usual chatting again ! A simple birthday for him ? Comparing to my birthday, kinda different ! Stayed over at the chalet, with Baby, Yvonne & Ervin :D Four of us went 7eleven in the middle of the night, eating the packed food ! Back to chalet & chat again ~ Sleep at 4am !