Friday, April 18, 2008


hurhur ! back postiiing halo (: alot piictures !
today iis friiday ! hohohohos ~~ damndamn love (:
cos iim not iintendiing to study on friiday ! Luffs*
aniiwae , schh was alriight today (: morniing iis fun !
meet up wiith Xingan (: ohhmyys , soso supriised :x
ii diidn expect SHE iis liiddat -.- aniiwae , jiieeet ~~
schhliing iis almost dyiing :x keepkeep copycopy !
andd Xy was as normal , madmad ! Luffs* love her :D
Both she and angela iis damndamn cute lahhs !
Lols ~ Try-out sessiion ! Jus look at them man ~
Damndamn superb cute andd funny (: Luffs*
Luffs* then after schh was ohh-soo Jiieet :x
Xiingan kena bluff by Auggy ~ Luffs* cute lahhs !
Bus-ed home wiith Boy, Char, Xingan, Auggy & Junkiiat (:
Then reach home usedd computer, w/out speaker -.-
Luffs* Ate mac andd went to slp after that :x Hohohos ~
Damn tiiredd ! 5pm wake up andd went to prepare (:
meet madmad andd bus-ed to Whiitesand ! Lalalalas ~
Bought present for veron.meiimeii , then go downtown !
meet veron andd went to th chalet ~ Luffs pls ! lols ~~
aroundd 10plus, went to downtown meet Boy (:
then awhile jiu bus-edd home wiith madmad liiaoos ~~
damndamn siiann ! jus went down and meet Boy agaiin :x
Luffs* chiit-chats wiith hiim ! I'm so iin love Boy (:
Tmrr goiing Ikea andd my pants iis on th way ~~ Hohohohs !
So byeeeeeeee ppl ! Luffs* Tmrr then post k ?