Thursday, May 27, 2010

Nihon Mura w/ Baby ^^ !

Had lesson on Thursday, early release ! Headed back home & took nap with Baby ^^ Around evening, went to bath & prepare ~ So both of us took bus to E-hub for Nihon Mura ! Saw wenwen, she's working over there ~ But anyway, ate quite a few plates over there ! Baby ordered the Curry Rice, & he say he regret ordering that ~ He said, "I should eat plates of sushi instead of ordering this, zZz !" Isnt he silly, laughs ~ Anyway, was chatting away & it's really great !

Thanks wenwen for helping me to count lesser by 3 plates, *covermouth* ! Around 9pm we finished our dinner I think o.O ? And yeap, both of us decided to walk back to Tampines from E-hub ! It has been a long time since I walk that route, & it's the 1st time walking with Baby ^^ ! Chatted on alot, & I love walking home with Baby ~ Walk till Tamp 400 plus, both of us are sweating like hell ! Decided to take Bus 28, *giggles* ~ End of my Thursday, with Baby kisses on my forehead ♥