Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy New Year Eve (:

Hellooooooooos ! Im back posting :D

Alright, thursday went NTUC to buy CNY food stuff ~

Nthg much I guess, cos it's kinda last min shopping already !

Bought this Bigen hair dye, together with Korkor too ~

Then had dinner at old house nearby !

Okay, lets skip & go to friday :D

Friday went school, and lesson was alright I guess o.O !

WAD lesson was like, nthg much ~

After lesson waited for Junlong to end school,

then went to Tamp with Ervin & Jianhua !

Went tamp, walking around and waited for XGBFF to meet me ~

While waiting for her, me & Junlong went to Mcd and slack !

Till she came, her went off & we waited for Didi to come ~

Blablabla, had lunch at tamp food court & headed to Ikea then :D

She bought her frame & off we went to cut hair ~

Okay, I cut short my hair & I didnt regret cutting it :D

Cos, I think can try new hairstyle la :X

Anyway, headed back home & dinner was at home !

After dinner, XGBFF helped me dye my hair ~

Kinda red, super red ! But I like the colour,

just hope when Im back school I wont kena catch :P

Alright, today's CNY eve !

Morning went downstairs for breakfast,

kinda tired I can say...

And, helping out at home with stuff !

But, Im so sleepy & my flu is coming too ):

Anyway, tonight's dinner gonna be at home, steamboat ^^

Cousin might be coming over too, hope she comes !

So she can help me with the makeup thingy o.O

Tmr gonna be a long long day ~

& tmr is Valentine day....

Gonna go out with XGBFF & Classmates !

Hope it's a good one :D