Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Im back to post again ! Hahaha, today wake up around 11 ? Jus nice ! Went to prepare and wake GJH up ~ Headed to EVS and meet MrYANG ! Well, ate lunch and then headed to collect our cert . Well, totallt EVS look like a primary school uhs :x GSP look much nicer though ! Hahaha ~

Left EVS, and left me and GJH . MrYANG headed home 1st . Well, no where to go cause it's still early to go work . It's only 12.30pm ? Haha, chatted and slack till 2pm ? Bus to work, the weather is super hot I must say ! Hahaha ~ When I reach, Doris say Im finally thr :x Hahah, watever ! Work was bored, cause Shirley is not here again :( Hurhur ! Anyway, 7.30pm released ~ Haha .

Okay, me today didnt bring my key out ! And I gotta wait for mommy to come back before I can go home uhs . Didnt wanna be a fool waiting outside the door, I went shopping again ! Hahaha ~ Went to cotton on and spend $50 thr ! Bought 2 hot pants and 2 singlet ~ Well, worth ? Hahah :x Opps !

Im left with 9 more days to work :( Gonna miss them lot ! But, new life gonna begins ~ Hahaha, ITE life . Hmmm, how's it gonna be like uhs ? And I have to find another part time job ? TO survive :x Hahah ! Cause mommy is not giving me money, zZz ~~ I'll be broke very soon . And, Chalet next week, woahhs ! Enjoy abit before I starts school, hahaha ~ Done with blogging, off to sleeep ! I seriously dont have enough sleep :(