Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Girl, I hope you understand...

Hey ! Im back updating already ~ Im currently in school, I've got no time to update my blog at home ! Anyway, last sunday had a double date + didi ~ 5 of us went Plaza Sing, to look at S.H.E ! Maybe the guys are kinda not into those things, so they 3 went LAN shop leaving the 2 of us under the sun while waiting for S.H.E ~ Waited for like 1 hour plus & they finally appear ! But we are so far away from them, we could only see from the screen (¬_¬) After that, we walk pass the stages & they were like so close from us only ! Both of us went so mad, keep repeating to our BF bout us sawing S.H.E in such a close distances ~ After that, went Bugis for Ice Monster ! I didnt eat, but baby shared his together with me (◕‿◕✿)After that took bus 12 back home ! Yesterday was quite a terrible day for me ~ Cos due to my careless-ing, I tripped over the wire & the whole plug drop hard on my legs (≧ω≦) ! So Im walking weird now ~ Asked teacher whether I could wear slippers to school today, & he agreeded ! So Im wearing slippers now in school (●*∩_∩*●) Anyway, baby send me home & cooked noodles for me ! Together with korkor, with some extra thingy ~ And, baby help me to rub my legs ! The moment this thingy name Zam-buk applied on my leg, I teared... But now my leg look better abit than yesterday ! Later having lecture lesson, boring ! Okay, Im done with updating my blog :D Poor baby is not feeling well, take care ! Byeeee (^^)

PS : The world is changing, how bout you and me ?
PSS : I need to rest, for very long very long :(