Wednesday, March 26, 2008


today iis a greatgreat day =DD except for my siickness :x
haaaas ! morniinq hadd to iiron clothes , cos ytdd mc ~~
then walk to schh , as usual , blablabla ~ lols ! jiieet ..
JFYF , chheer up ! thiings will get better =DD
aniiwae , my geography got 15/25 , quiite ok lahhs !
at least better then scii ! haaas ~ today hadd ART .
was chattiinq wiif tasneem, ohhmyys ~ her love story...
iis soso cute lahhs ! her husband iis from sriiLanka -.-
then they lik very tought to meet :( mdm tay was cute !
she saiid her husbandd iis very very handsome -.-
then ms tasneem was lik shy , they say okok lohhs .
hohohohos ! then jiu maths , do nth ~ cos ii dont understand .
haaas ! then recess =DD after dat math agaiins -.-
no liife ! cos dont understandd ~ chattiinq wiif ppl !
then 3 periiod engliish sorsehh bodohhs ! haaaaas ~~
went to liibrary andd diid hmwk -.- damn dulans !
cos ii didnt save my work ,th com shut down -.-
wahhliiaoos ! damn damn angry siiohhs ~ no choiice :X
REDO lohhs ! hurhur ~ then jiu lunchh =D ate waffles .
andd then back to class for MT lesson , jiiettt lahhhss !
3pm , sayonahhrahhhsss ~~ Byyeess ! off home liiaos =D
reach home ate mediiciine , so biitter -.- haaaas !
agaiins , no choiice ! lols ~ then use computer till noe !
haaaas ~ gonna eat my diinneer soon =DD mamii buy !
tmrr wednesday , soso fast lahhs ! haaaas ~~ jiieett .
ohh yahhs , was chattiinq wiif XINGAN iin msn jus now ~
haaaas ! she`s really super-uber cute lahhs ! haaas .
Her bro , Chunkiiat iis my son -.- andd lik so many liink lahhs !
she coll mii mama xingans =D so old ! haaaas ~~
we got alot niick =DD XINGAN ; MAMA , MEIMEI , JIEJIE !

Boy, 4 more days alriites ! I'm so qiidaii =DD
Dont be too touchedd to see th prezziie ii giif uu :X