Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday ~

Okayokay, Today is friday ~ And, I have to go back to school ! Like, for that stupid test I failed Online ~ Anyway, reach there earlier then MrSuen ! He reach le, open door for me and I started doing the test ~ Only me was thr, and Gene come after awhile . Well, MeSuen gotta attend some meetings, and leaving the 2 of us in the class ! Okay, do till around 11 plus ? Haha, finished and passed the test alrdy ! But MrSuen not back, but we just leave the class uhs ~

How good of Gene, to keep me acc ^^ He send me to bus stop and wait till my bus come ! Hahas, thanks ahs . Okay, no working for me today ! Cause MrOng ask me to take off today ~ Well, tmr probably not also . Cause Mommy suggested Night cycling tmr night, with Didi ! Cool man, decided to cycle all the way till Bedok Reservoir ther ? Haha ~ Okay, I think Im gonna stop here ? Cause Im like a big big light bulb here ! Haha, korkor & gf are in the room ~ Think Im gonna go take a nap ? Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ^^