Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I miss my old hair ~~

HELLO ! I get to post again today, cause Im home early, earlier ~ Hahaha, well ! Morning, quite fun ~ Discussing abt my birthday ! 14march, collegues gonna come my house and help me celebrate a belated birthday ! Hahah, and my weekends for the following 3 weeks is booked ~ Okayokay, with XGBFF, BFGF, Family & Collgues :DD But, Im actually free on my Birthday, actual day ! March11 ~ Date me out ? Hahah, I very tired uhs ~ I wanna sleep le, byeeeeee ! Bytheway, I wanna buy the LG IceCream Phone <3>

which gonna be the same as XGBFF's ? Hahah .