Sunday, January 24, 2010

* 怎么, 这样 ? *


*dingdong* ! Im back to update bout my best day of the week :D Okay, meet up with XGBFF yesterday ~ Headed to 201, get her things done & off we headed off to Tamp inter ! Bought her concession, and went to Century Square for lunch ~ Meet Eric & return him the uniform ! Thanks & I feel bad cause he intro me this job ~ Anyway, headed off to Bugis & meet Junlong ! Was walking around Bugis street, while waiting for Jacky to reach ~ Walk around Bugis, blablabla ! Looking for clothes, and I guess nthg much in Bugis ? Headed to Somerset, bought my skirt @ Forever 21 ~ After that continue walking around Orchard ! Went FarEast, and bought another bottom for myself ~ Okay, Im consider 1/3 done for my CNY clothings ? Went Plaza Singapura for Pizza Hut, Jacky is really funny I can say ~ Laugh ! And, was really tired walking around actually ~ Last min decision, headed down to Deston's friend chalet ! While XGBFF headed home . Was chatting around, and take photos ~ Photos uploaded at FB ^^v ! Chat & slack till 3am I guess, headed to Mcdonald ~ Then, went back home around 4am ? Super tired, zZz... Sleep till today 1pm ! Still kinda tired, and I think Im sneezing away due to insufficient sleep ~ Laugh, lets hope tonight I'll sleep early then ? Okok, my mood was really great yesterday ~ But I think it turns bad again today, sighs ):