Saturday, January 30, 2010

How long later ?

*dingdong* ! I am back to post :D Ytd went school, nthg much I guess ~ Ohya, me & Junlong was kinda late cause we went to buy bread, hor :x ? Anyway, had lesson all the way till 11 plus I guess ~ Went cafe 2 for lunch, then went for the ImagineCup roadshow ! Sit inside this lecture room, playing hangman with Junlong ~ Kinda funny & it ends around 2pm ! Got this Window 7 OS from them, but it's a 90 day trail for the time being ~ They'll send the activation key to us, soon ? After that, headed back home and rot ~ Suppose to meet XGBFF, but I was too lazy to go out ! So back home, rot... Nthg much, today woke up around 12pm ! Kinda tired, and prepared myself went out with XGBFF . This is the 3rd Saturday we are heading to Bugis ! Next week we are going also, hahah ~ Bought most of my clothing alrdy ! But, I got this big problem with my hip-hop pants -.- Should I leave the pants alone and get another set of clothers ? I dont knw what should I match it with ~ Anyway, meet Mommy together with Uncle they all ! Went to OG and they get their stuffs ~ Nthg much actually, went dinner and XGBFF tag along too ^^v ! Meet up with Berlin too, was chatting with her bout everything ~ Face & clothings ! After that headed back home, trying my clothes & might be getting another set of clothings ? I'll see how ~ I still gotta buy bag, shoe & accessories ! Makeup & nails colour if I have extra cash, hahah ~ Alright, Im done with updating ^^v ! Are you reading ? If you are, tag meeeeeeeee ~

PS : I miss youuuuuuu ?