Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Exma fever !

Alright, yesterday went to school for 1 lesson ! Before that, meet Baby for Pepper lunch ~ Thanks Baby for acc-ing me to school, when he actually dont have to ! So went school, we thought nobody will go ~ But somehow, quite alot of people went there ! Yeap, so had this WNF revision ~ Baby was helping me to take photo of the slides teacher shows us ! After lesson, headed to Tamp interchange ~ Acc Baby to wait for bus 72, off to meet Angela ! Meet her, and both of us went to Giant to get those stuff we need for BBQ . Consider quite fast actually ~ Cos we just go to that particular section, and everything is there ! Cabbed back to my house, & meet Cindy ~ Prepared myself, cab to Angela house then took MRT to bugis ! Movie with Huishan & YeeLin, till around 11pm ? Took bus 12 back home with Angela, trip seems shorter with somebody beside me ~ Back home, bath & ate instant noodles ! Fall asleep w/out replying Baby's message, woke up at 6am & replied him ~ Back to sleep, till 10am ! Watch K.O.3anGuo, happy ending I must say ~ Laugh, and Im done with WLD's note ! Gotta start doing WNF's note soonnnn ^^

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