Tuesday, March 09, 2010


*dingdongs* ! Im back to update ~ Sorry for not updating for so long ! Okay, Saturday went Pasir ris ~ Together with both Brothers, XGBFF & Baby ! Only Baby wasnt cutting hair, he's just there to acc me ^^ Thanks ! After haircut, went back home & Baby meet Jacky ~ Back home, prepared myself then waited for Daddy to come back ! Headed off to Sembawang, we're the 1st to reach ~ Waited for the others to come, and dinner was nice ! No comment bout the gathering, headed home around 10pm ? Sunday went studying with Yvonne, Ervin & Baby @ AMK ~ Nothing much, cos I've already forgotten bout what I studied ! As usual Baby send me home (: Yesterday had my WNF exam ! Meet up with Baby first, then headed to school for breakfast ~ Was revising the notes ! Classroom for exam, I can say the paper is easy ~ Somehow, I know how to do ! After that, went Tamp with them ~ The whole Bus 31 is filled with PMJs students ! All the way till Tamp interchange, we had lunch at Tamp mall ~ After that, decided to go study at Xiang's second house ! Was doing notes, and they were playing mahjong halfway ~ Laugh, went off around 6plus ? Went back Tamp, & had dinner with Baby ! As usual, he send me back home (: Okayokay ! Today, suppose to go study with Baby ~ But I gotta go Granny's house ! So, wont be meeting Baby today :( Anyway, for the next 3 days I wont be at home ~ Hahaha, tmr gonna go check in together with Baby ! Mommy said tmr is my chinese birthday, so I have to go back home to eat ~ Hmmm, so I wont be posting blog all the way till friday I guess ? Ohya, Im having bad headaches & stomach cramp since last night ! I had a bad night last night, cos I didnt manage to sleep well ~

PS:IMissBaby !

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