Saturday, February 27, 2010

Horoscope (:

ARIES ( March 21- April 19 )
The Aggressive Outgoing. Lovable. Spontaneous.. Not one to mess with. Funny.. Excellent kisser EXTREMELY adorable. Loves relationships, and family is very important to an aries. Aries are known for being generous and giving. Addictive. Loud. Always has the need to be 'Right'. Aries will argue to prove their point for hours and hours. Aries are some of the most wonderful people in the world...

TAURUS ( April 20 - May 20 )
The Tramp Aggressive. Loves being in long relationships. Likes to give a good fight. Fight for what they want. Can be annoying at times, but for the love of attention. Extremely outgoing. Loves to help people in times of need. Good kisser. Good personality. Stubborn. A caring person. They can be self centered and if they want something they will do anything to get it. They love to sleep and can be lazy. One of a kind. Not one to mess with. Are the most attractive people on earth!

GEMINI ( May 21 - June 20 )
The Twin Nice. Love is one of a kind. Great listeners. Very Good at confusing people... Lover not a fighter, but will still knock you out. Geminis will not take any crap from anyone. Geminis like to tell people what they should do and get offended easily. They are great at losing things and are forgetful. Geminis can be very sarcastic and childish at times and are very nosey. Trustworthy. Always happy. VERY Loud. Talkative. Outgoing. VERY FORGIVING. Loves to make out. Has a beautiful smile. Generous. Strong. THE MOST IRRESISTIBLE.

CANCER ( June 21 - July 22 )
The Beauty MOST AMAZING KISSER. Very high appeal. A Cancer's Love is one of a kind.. Very romantic.. Most caring person you will ever meet in your life. Entirely creative Person, most are artists and insane, respectfully speaking. They perfected sex and do it often. Extremely random. An Ultimate Freak. Extremely funny and is usually the life of the party. Most Cancers will take you under their wing and into their hearts where you will remain forever.. Cancers make love with a passion beyond compare. Spontaneous. Not a Fighter, But will kick your ass good if it comes down to it. Someone you should hold on to!

LEO ( July 23 - August 23 )
The Lion Great talker. Attractive and passionate. Laid back. Usually happy but when unhappy tend to be grouchy and childish. A Leo's problem becomes everyone's problem. Most Leos are very predictable and tend to be monotonous. Knows how to have fun.. Is really good at almost anything. Great kisser. Very predictable. Outgoing. Down to earth. Addictive. Attractive. Loud. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Not one to mess with. Rare to find. Good when found.

VIRGO ( August 24 - September 22 )
The One that Waits Dominant in relationships. Someone loves them right now. Always wants the last word.. Caring. Smart. Loud. Loyal. Easy to talk to. Everything you ever wanted. Easy to please. A pushover. Loves to gamble and take chances. Needs to have the last say in everything.. They think they know everything and usually do. Respectful to others but you will quickly lose their respect if you do something untrustworthy towards them and never regain respect. They do not forgive and never forget. The one and only.

LIBRA ( September 24 - October 22 )
The Lame One Nice to everyone they meet. Their love is one of a kind. Silly, funny and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! However, not the kind of person you want to mess might end up crying. Libras can cause as much havoc as they can prevent. Faithful friends to the end. Can hold a grudge for years. Libras are someone you want on your side. Usually great at sports and are extreme sports fanatics. Very creative. A hopeless romantic.

SCORPIO ( October 23 - November 21 )
The Addict EXTREMELY adorable. Loves to joke. Very Good sense of humor. Will try almost anything once. Loves to be pampered. Energetic. Predictable. GREAT kisser. Always get what they want.. Attractive. Loves being in long relationships. Talkative. Loves to party but at times to the extreme. Loves the smell and feel of money and is good at making it but just as good at spending it! Very protective over loved ones. HARD workers. Can be a good friend but if is disrespected by a friend, the friendship will end. Romantic. Caring..

SAGITTARIUS ( November 22 - December 21 )
The Promiscuous One Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found.. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time. Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay FAR away. Gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever.. Loves deeply but at times will not show it, feels it is a sign of weakness. Has many fears but will not show it. VERY private person. Defends loved ones with all their abilities. Can be childish often. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in bed..!!! Not the kind of person you want to mess with- you might end up crying..

CAPRICORN ( December 22 – January 19 )
The Passionate Lover Love to bust. Nice. Sassy. Intelligent. Sexy. Grouchy at times and annoying to some. Lazy and love to take it easy. But when they find a job or something they like to do they put their all into it. Proud, understanding and sweet. Irresistible. Loves being in long relationships. Great talker. Always gets what he or she wants. Cool. Loves to win against other signs especially Gemini's in sports. Likes to cook but would rather go out to eat at good restaurants. Extremely fun. Loves to joke. Smart.

AQUARIUS ( January 20 - February 18 )
Does It In The Water Trustworthy. Attractive. Great kisser. One of a kind, loves being in long-term relationships. Can be clumsy at times but tries hard. Will take on any project. Proud of themselves in whatever they do. Messy and unorganized. Procrastinators. Great lovers, when they're not sleeping. Extreme thinkers. Loves their pets usually more than their family. Can be VERY irritating to others when they try to explain or tell a story. Unpredictable. Will exceed your expectations. Not a Fighter but will Knock your lights out..

PISCES ( February 19 - March 20 )
The Partner for Life Caring and kind. Smart. Likes to be the center of attention. Very organized. High appeal to opposite sex. Likes to have the last word. Good to find, but hard to keep. Passionate, wonderful lovers. Fun to be around. Too trusting at times and gets hurt easily. VERY caring. They always try to do the right thing and sometimes gets the short end of the stick. They sometimes get used by others and get hurt because of their trusting. Extremely weird but in a good way. Good sense of humor!!! Thoughtful. Loves to joke.. Very popular. Silly, fun and sweet. Good friend to other but needs to be choosy on who they allow their friends to be.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Feeling down, for ?

*dingggggg* ! I am back to post bout my friday ~

Meet Baby at Tamp Interchange & bought Mcdonald breakfast to school !

Kinda tired, so didnt talk much too ~

Reach class, was eating in class !

Hahaha, and I started my tricks again ~

Playing the cards with Teacher & Jianhua they all !

I manage to cheat them, and they were like kinda "amazed" ~

Hahahaha, somehow they know I cheated !

Well, WAD lesson was alright I guess ~

Did class test & teacher told us our phase test result !

Got a OK grade, meaing well done :D

Laugh, just hope my class test will score well too ~

Anyway, next thursday I dont have to go school !

Cos, I've passed my phase test & completed all my labs ~

After lesson headed to Tamp interchange with Yvonne, Ervin, Yxiang & Jianhua !

Went foodcourt for lunch, while waiting for Baby to come ~

He came, and we took bus 72 to Hougang !

Went his house, using computer till he prepared for his work ~

Bus back to Tamp while he went to work, and reach Tamp interchange around 6 plus ?

Called XGBFF, and went to East View together with her mom & Junkiat ~

After that went dinner, together with Yazi too !

Walk back home with XGBFF, nthg much ~

Tmr's Saturday ! No program for the time being I guess o.O ?

Maybe going out with Yvonne ? Maybe meeting Baby ?

Maybe gonna go dinner with Jacky's friend ?

I dont knw, who knows I will be staying home for the whole day o.O !

Laugh, anyway Im left with WNF & WLD major exams which is on March 8 & March 10 ~

Gonna really buck up I guess !

No problem de laaaaa, gonna study from now onnnn ~

But I will play around 1st !

Okay done with updates, byeeeeeeee (:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Marina Barrage with ♥ !


*dingdong* ! Yesterday's outing was seriously kinda great ~

Meet up with Baby & Jacky at Tampines Interchange .

Then MRT-ed to City Hall, to meet Yvonne & Ervin !

Went to buy food & headed off to Marina Bay ~

The sun is so super hot, and everybody is hot :x

We manage to find a spot that is sheltered, hahaha !

So, was lucky to find a kite & strings ~

The guys started playing with it, kinda fun ^^

Was taking photos after that, all the way till 6 plus o.O ?

MRT-ed to Dhoby Ghaut, while Jacky went to meet his friend ~

So leaving the 4 of us, went Dhoby Ghaut for dinner !

Nothing much, went Daiso again & bought those tricks to play with ~

Hope I'll master it & go around cheating people, hahaha :P


Anyway, Baby send me back to home & I acc him to wait for bus !

Headed back home, wait for Cindy, Xiuyi & Angela to come ~

Big big chatting session I must say !

Till late night, Xiuyi went home & Angela fall asleep ~

Leaving me & Cindy to chat, all the way till 4am !

Lucky Baby called me if not I'll be super late for today's phase test ~

So rush to Tamp Inter, meet Yvonne & went school !

W/out ezlink card, bad start of the day ~ But, use coins !

Test was alright, exactly the same as the trial phase test :D

So, no problem ~ Went cafe 2 with Yvonne, chatting bout lots of things !

Waited for the guys to end, went Tamp interchange KFC ~

Nthg much, waited for Baby to end school & we went to eat Pepper Lunch !

After that, headed back home ~

Tmr gonna have WAD class test, shits !

Hope I wont turn blank upon looking at the paper ?

Alright, done with updates ! Byeeeeeeeeeeee :D

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Im too lazy !

Hellloooooos !

Im super lazy to update bout the past few days ~

But I can say, it's great !

With ♥ accompanying me, ofcos it's great day ~

He came my house with Jacky, somehow meet my family o.O ?

Nthg much, & things were fine ! But yesterday, we didnt meet ~

He had his own program, me too ~ And well, today had Phrase test !

Meet up with ♥ , went for KFC & headed to school ~

His test started at 2pm, while mine is 4pm !

He went in, Yvonne came out ~

So was waiting for him, till 3 plus ?

And I end my test at around 5 plus, kinda *phews* !

Went to Jacky house nearby, meet them & went to Tamp mall for dinner :D

Last min decision, went Plaza Sing !

Headed to Daiso, bought smthg & gonna make use of it to disturb ♥ !

Okok ~ Nthg much I guess, they went LAN & I didnt play !

Took bus 65 with ♥ back to Tamp, and went back home ~

Tmr no school, so we gonna head out !

Hahahah, going marina barrage I guess o.O ?

Monday, February 22, 2010


This is my boyfriend (:

Actually wanted to update my blog,

but Mommy is rushing me to go bath !

So, byeeee ~ Maybe I will update tonight, maybe tmr !

And, no lesson for me today, hahahaha :D

To BF : Thanks for sending me home for the past 6 days ♥

Friday, February 19, 2010

♥ Simple Love

Happy 21st Birthday to ShangFen :D !


Hey Hey Hey ! Im gonna enjoy my weekend mann ^^

Anyway, had lesson today !

Im so super tired, cos I sleep at 4am ><

Cos Cindy came, and we were chatting till late night !

But well, I did went to school !

Meet ♥ for Mac Breakfast, together with Ervin ~

I've been nagging bout how tired I am to them !

And, didnt eat much too ~

After that Yvonne meet us, headed to school !

Lesson was kinda, alrights ~ Next week 3 test at one go :(

After lesson went back home, ♥ send me home ^^ !

So back home, ate instant noodles ~

This Cindy, came my house & bluff my money :x

Laugh, we played cards & I total lost $10 to her !

How sad, but it's fun with her around ~

Went for nap awhile, cos Im seriously tired !

Wake up around 5pm, went to prepare & headed off to SF's house ~

Celebrating her 21st advanced !

Seriously quite lots of people I must say !

Consider a gathering, and we were taking photos around !


Okay, this is the black & white thingy !

So coincidence, we wore this 2 simple colour ~

Was cutting cakes & taking photos !

Super long, cos there's alot alot of people :x

Nthg much I guess, was playing cards & Im losing !

No luck this year I guess, keep losing money :X

Anyway, headed back home around 11pm ?

And now, Im waiting for ♥ to end work ~

And, tmr gonna go classmates house for CNY visits ^^

Most imptly, they are coming to my house !

I gotta take more photo, I swear ~

And lastly, we are going to XGBFF house for dinner too ^^

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Commitment (:

Helloooooooos ! Back to post, my short day ^^

Went school alone today, kinda bored !

Reached school around 1215pm ~

Quite early, & was chatting with Jianhua !

And, went for the Phase test quite late ?

Started doing, totally no comment man ~

I went blank upon looking at the paper, where got mood !

So, anyhow do & left the room for WAD lesson ~

Did Trail Phase Test today again,

but at least I somehow know how to do the test !

After lesson headed to Tamp Mall for the 1st meal of our day !

Ate chicken rice, didnt eat much ~

Waited for Junlong to end school, meet Limhwee too !

So 3 of us went searching for Shangfen's 21st present ~

Finally we got it, Limhwee left 1st .

Went to buy wrapping paper, and Junlong send me home !

Nthg much, just a short day ^^

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Addictions !

*dingdong* ! Well, today's morning test was alright ~

I just turn blank on 1 question, the rest was okay !

So test end around 10am o.O ?

Kinda early, and went to Cafe 1 for early lunch !

After that, headed to HarbourFront with Junlong, Ervin & Yvonne ~

Nothing much, walking around here and there !

Then went Plaza Sing, Orchard ~

Seriously only chatting & laughing only :x

So walk till around 5 plus o.O ?

Junlong send me home, was super tired & super sleepy I must say ~

Everyday is a tiring day for me :P

Tmr Im having Phase Test ! Good luck to me, how sad ~

Different timing with Junlong !

But still gotta meet Yvonne & Ervin for lunch ^^

Okay, after WNF's Phase Test gotta do WAD's Trail Phase Test !

So many test going on, gotta buck up...

Ohya, my birthday Chalet's is confirm already !

Will message you guys more detail on it :D

Be sure to come, no matter whose going :X

Btw, Im attached (:

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Great day, great people (:


Last day to relax, how sad it is !

But well, my day was a great one ^^

Morning woke up around 10am, but headed back to sleep again !

Kinda overslept, suppose to go Godma house at 1pm & go home at 2pm !

So prepared ourself, headed to Godma house at around 2pm ~

Was chatting with Xiuyi & Korkor !

After that Winnie came, was taking photos in their room ~

Kinda long didnt take photo with them already !

Yeap, so was slacking over there for awhile ~

Then, went off at around 4pm ! Went to Hougang & meet Junlong ~

MRT-ed to Redhill, to his relative house o.O !

Nthg much, only abit 尴尬 I guess ~

Left the place earlier, & MRT to Dhoby Ghaut !

No where to go, walking around ~

And, went Orchard in the end !

Was chatting away, till 10pm ~

He send me home, and that's the end of my day !

Although it's short, but it's a great day to me ^^

Tmr Im having test at 9am, omg !

Tell you something, I haven study for it :P

Done, byeeeeeee !

Monday, February 15, 2010

Interesting o.O !


Hellooooos ! Woke up around 10am I guess, kinda lazy to wake up ~

But no choice ! Drag myself up and went to prepare myself .

As usual, took some photos before going out !

But Im not wearing heels today, cos my blister is killing me ):

Today's visits is almost all to Dad's friends ~

Nthg much, headed off to AMK 1st ~

Went to Mommy's godpa house & chatting around !


They were browsing my camera's photo, & looking at yesterday's photo !

Mommy's godpa was guessing whose my boyfriend through the photos ~

He guess that, Junlong is my guy, then I giggles !

No comment, but just giggles away to make him change topic :x

Chatted awhile, and headed off to Hougang !

Same thing, took angbaos & eat some stuff ~

Nothing new ! After Hougang, went Bedok ~

This lady house, has sushi !

Made by her daughter, so damn niceeeee ^^

Then went another house at Bedok !


This Baby is super cute right !?

Laugh, she's only 3month ^^ And, how cute of her !

She'll look to my camera screen when she knows Im taking photo of her ~

Pretty cute & clever har !

Took quite a few photos, but this was the cute-est :D

She can fall asleep while drinking milk !

Laugh, but I dont dare to hug her ~

If not, I sure take photo of her !

Till 4pm, went to 3rd aunt house :D Cousin gathering !


Chatting & taking photo around !

Laugh, deciding whether to go Kbox or Movie ~

But, Kbox tonight is $40 per person !

Kinda ex, & it's hard to decide which movie should we watch ~

So final decision, went Granny house for Blackjack game !

Hahahaha, so walk over to Granny house ~

Started to play Blackjack,

& I wont quite a few dollars I think o.O !

How great of Granny to cook Beehoon for all of us,

when we are already hungry ~

Laugh, so went back home around 12am !

Kinda tired, and tmr gotta go Godma's house ~

Okokokok, nights ^^

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine ^^


*dingdong* !

Since I woke up early, so I post blog ^^

Didnt post these photo cos somebody say 'suprise' !

Anyway, my hair look really red har ~

Jus hope that when I get back to school,

teacher will ignore my hair !

Which is abit impossible ~

Okayokay, yesterday had early dinner !

Not so bad, steamboat ^^

And, after dinner went out with Junlong & Jacky ~

Wanted to watch the 9pm movie, but we missed the timing !

So, bought the 12am ticket, watching Little Big Soldier ~

So we got like 3 hours to spend !

Chatting & walking around tampines ~

Then, went in cinema...

I almost fall asleep, not bcos of the movie !

Is bcos Im too tired... And, the cinema is so cold ~

All the way till 1am ?

And, acc Jacky go find his friend ~

Nthg much, waited for Junlong's dad to come and he send me home !

Abit paiseh, but jiu okay lor :x Back home, 2am !

Super tired, went to sleep after Junlong reached home ~

Alright, tonight gonna go movie again :D !

Hope it's a good one, hahaha ~

Okay, now Im gonna go prepare already !

Im wearing dress, hahaha :x

And ohya, Happy Valentine Day !


*dingdong* ! Back to update bout the first day of CNY :D

Well, prepared ourself & as usual we bai nian to our parents 1st ~

So, turn by turn ! And then, headed to Temple ~

Okay, my heels is making me so difficult to walk !

Walkng so slowly, like a penguin ~

Anyway, went to Grandma house blablabla !

After that went 1st aunt house,

was playing blackjack & I lost $2 ~

Nthg much, headed to 2nd aunt house after that !

Continue playing, till6pm went to find XGBFF ~

Meet Junlong, Ervin, Jacky & Yvonne at Dobby Ghaut !

My shoe is seriously a problem man,

with so many plaster it still doesnt help ~

Okay, ate Billy Bombers !

Kinda cool, they only had meals for 2 ~

So, me & Junlong shared this set meal !

Not so bad, quite nice la actually ^^

After that, went for our movieeee !

We watch, "I hate Valentine" ~

Not so bad, and the movie is quite short actually ?

After that, went TCC to chill out ~

Joking & laughin away !

But still, my shoe is giving me big problem ~

Im walking barefoot in the shopping mall !

But well, took bus 65 back to Tamp with Jacky & XGBFF ~

Cab back home from Tamp inter with XGBFF !

Super tired, and my leg bleed :(

Have difficulties bathing & it's terribly pain..

Somehow, I spoil somebody mood, including mine !

I hope it's misunderstanding,

cos Im feeling terribly sad...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy New Year Eve (:

Hellooooooooos ! Im back posting :D

Alright, thursday went NTUC to buy CNY food stuff ~

Nthg much I guess, cos it's kinda last min shopping already !

Bought this Bigen hair dye, together with Korkor too ~

Then had dinner at old house nearby !

Okay, lets skip & go to friday :D

Friday went school, and lesson was alright I guess o.O !

WAD lesson was like, nthg much ~

After lesson waited for Junlong to end school,

then went to Tamp with Ervin & Jianhua !

Went tamp, walking around and waited for XGBFF to meet me ~

While waiting for her, me & Junlong went to Mcd and slack !

Till she came, her went off & we waited for Didi to come ~

Blablabla, had lunch at tamp food court & headed to Ikea then :D

She bought her frame & off we went to cut hair ~

Okay, I cut short my hair & I didnt regret cutting it :D

Cos, I think can try new hairstyle la :X

Anyway, headed back home & dinner was at home !

After dinner, XGBFF helped me dye my hair ~

Kinda red, super red ! But I like the colour,

just hope when Im back school I wont kena catch :P

Alright, today's CNY eve !

Morning went downstairs for breakfast,

kinda tired I can say...

And, helping out at home with stuff !

But, Im so sleepy & my flu is coming too ):

Anyway, tonight's dinner gonna be at home, steamboat ^^

Cousin might be coming over too, hope she comes !

So she can help me with the makeup thingy o.O

Tmr gonna be a long long day ~

& tmr is Valentine day....

Gonna go out with XGBFF & Classmates !

Hope it's a good one :D

Thursday, February 11, 2010

I am holding on (:


Okay, Im back to update bout last night outing :D

Meet up with Junlong at Tamp inter, and we had our lunch ~

Pepper lunch, hahahaha ! After that, we went to Marina Sqaure.

Finally I got it, help Yvonne get one too (:

Then, meet Yvonne & Ervin at Bugis ~

Both of us walk from Marina to Bugis,

& me keep on grumbling bout the weather is hot !

I think Im very irritating xD

Meet up with them, and everybody gets something ~

I got my watch, I love it mannn !

Junlong got his specs & studs o.O

Yvonne got her bag & Ervin bought his shoe toooo ~

Well, headed to Orchard too ! Walk from Bugis to Plaza Sing,

then to Orchard ~ Meet Jacky too, and was walking around and around !

Ohya, dinner was at Fish & Co. My 1st time going there man,

somebody says welcome to singapore to me in FB !

Anyway, eat till quite full & continue walking after that ~

Took photos, some were with Yvonne !

MRT back to Tamp with Junlong & Jacky after that ~

Slacking around Tampines Mcdonald, chatting around !

Junlong took last bus home, I take 291

& Jacky walk home I think o.O ~

Morning meet up with this 2 guys for breakfast in school !

Jacky came in school,

actually he've already quit-ed his studies ~

Laugh, everyone was kinda shock to see him in class actually !

But well, quite fun (:

Lesson was kinda packed these few days,

had been doing Phase test revision & trail for all modules !

Somebody help me de-stess please ~

Laugh, but after exams it will be a great great celebration :D

But 1st of all, CNY is coming (:

Alright, done with today's update ~

I'll be getting the CNY's food

& snacks with Mommy they all later on !

Tmr, gonna go Ikea & cut hairrr ~

OMG, Im so excited bout cutting hair actually :x Laugh !

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Read up !

*dingdong* ! Im back to post, bcos I skipped lesson today ~ Reason is, too boring to go school alone xD Anyway, found this thingy in facebook, check it out mannn :D It's something like, list of things girls wish guys to konw ~ So guy, read up ! Dont forget to leave your comment too ^^
  • Don't think that just because you didn't tell us we are never going to find out. 
  • Our friends know EVERYTHING.
  • EVERYTHING said to our friends will be told to us. Guaranteed.
  • No matter what we say, we hate your ex-girlfriend.
  • We check our phones every hour to see if you have replied to our texts, then worry if you haven't.
  • The fact you might leave us for another girl keeps us up at night.
  • When we're not talking to you on MSN, we're actually waiting for you to talk to us (in a non-snobby way, we want to see if you still care enough to talk to us).
  • When we act sad, we want you to hug us.
  • Our favourite part of the MSN conver is at the end when you say good bye, because that's the part you say you love us.
  • We actually freak out on what to do during holidays like Valentines Day.
  • We don't care what our friends think of you, but we do care what your friends think of us.
  • Yes, you might be the reason we failed that Maths test.
  • We are very, very scared of scaring you away.
  • We don't care about what we talk about, just as long as we have your attention for a few minutes.
  • Of course, we do believe the crap we read in magazines.
  • We have mood swings. Get over it.
  • Everytime you're around other girls, we worry they are better than us.
  • We don't want to hear how cool your ex-girlfriend/neighbor/best gal friend is.
  • Movies like 'He's Just Not That Into You' depress us.
  • We will move mountains on our timetable if it means seeing you.
  • We compare every other guy to you, and you always come out best.
  • We hate it when you go to discos without us.
  • We hate feeling as if we are like any other girl.
  • Don't brag about other girls liking you, it just makes us insecure.
  • When we say everything is 'fine', it generally means everything is absolutely horrible and we are on the brink of falling to pieces.
  • Don't just say 'ok' when we say we don't want to talk about it.
  • If you want to know something about us, ask our best friend. 
  • If you do not hug us, we will not kiss you.
  • We think you are the best guy in the world.
  • We.Will.Kill.You.If.We.See.You.Slow.Dancing.With.Another.Girl.Without.Telling.Us.
  • We really do want you to stick up for us.
  • Compliments. We love them.
  • Be on time. We will think you don't care if you're not on time at a certain place.
  • Whether you say (L) or luv or love does matter.
  • We don't care if you couldn't come on that date because of some reason, just don't lie to us.
  • We like cuddling up to you so let us.
  • Silent Treatment + Short Answers + Not Smiling or Laughing + Evil Looks = YOU DID SOMETHING WRONG.
  • You will be classed in our 'Hate' list if you forget our birthday.
  • Do not ask what's wrong. We'll never tell you we just want you to cuddle us.
  • You need to tell us what you think of us, we don't make assumptions (apart from 'OMG HE'S GONE OFF ME HASN'T HE?!')
  • Telling us that we are pretty will mean absolute LOADS.
  • Do not make fun of us unless we are in a good mood. As insecure as girls go, we take these things very seriously.
  • If you do end up doing Number 42, you just have to hope we aren't in a bad mood.
  • Saying something sweet MIGHT get you off the hook. Doing something sweet will ALWAYS get you off the hook.
  • We never forget things about you. Never.
  • We over-analyze everything.
  • We over-react to everything.
  • When we are mad at you, we aren't actually mad at you we just want you to apologize so we can start showing we like you again.
  • Please don't stand 384931491329403 feet away from us. Even if we are scary.
  • Please acknowledge that when we are online when you sign in, we probably have waited ages for you to come online so please make it worthwhile.
  • We do not care if 50 000 other guys declared their love for us if you never do it none of it matters.
  • We don't like being used.
  • We like it when you do unexpected nice things.
  • We usually don't let just any guy make us cry, so if you make us cry, damn you must have done something bad...
  • This is the way it works: You don't give us any attention, we dump you. It is NOT: You don't give us any attention, we chase after you. Deal with it.
  • We like it when you are protective of us. It makes us feel special.
  • Unless she is a moronic idiot, a girl who truly loves you will love you for a long, long time.
  • When we come back from a holiday and brag about how awesome it was, during the entire time there we were probably thinking about you. A lot.
  • No matter where we are or what we are doing, we really want you to hold our hand.
  • And please for the love of god shut up about how fit other girls are. You know we like you and the fact you do this despite you knowing how we feel is just evil. 
Isnt it interesting !? If I have a boyfriend, he MUST read, hahahahaha :x  Okayokay ! Im wearing uniform infront of the computer, silly isnt it ~ Cos, I've bath & changed already ! Last min decided not to go school, & Im sneezing away ~ Who say bad bout me o.O !? I hope is somebody missing me (: Hahaha, Im full of rubbish now ~ Cos Im way too bored at home ! I wanna go out, I'll be meeting Junlong, Yvonne & Ervin later on I guess o.O ! Can we meet earlier, Im rotting at homeeeeee :(

    Tuesday, February 09, 2010

    Not myself..

    Hellos, Im back posting again !

    Yesterday is monday right o.O

    I guess I have bad monday blueeeeee ~

    Something like, I feel super moody due to no reason ?

    I hope it's PMS, so that I wont have to suffer during CNY xD

    Anyway, meet up with Junlong, Ervin & Yvonne for Mcd breakfast !

    Keep thinking bout should I cut hair, zZz...

    Nobody gave me the answer I want,

    keep saying up to you this and that -.- !

    Anyway, reached school and we were super late ~

    Laugh, marking the attendance,

    & was fiddling with the PM presentation !

    Well, nthg much I guess ~

    All the way till PM lesson,

    and our presentation was like... No comment !

    It's shafiqah birthday anyway,

    had cake & sang 3 language songs for her :D

    Kinda interesting I must say,

    and after that back to lesson !

    Going thru revision for WNF ~

    After lesson headed to Orchard !

    Walking around,

    while the guys were shopping for their clothings .

    Nthg much I guess, all the way till 9 plus ~

    Headed back to Pasir Ris, Junlong wanted to pierce his ear .

    Shop closed, and headed back to Tamp again -.- !

    So, he pierce and after that he send me homeeeee ~

    That's all I think o.O !

    Today's lesson starts 12pm,

    & I woke up around 830am ~

    Gotta go prepare now & btw,

    Yvonne is at my house nowwwww (:

    Sunday, February 07, 2010

    Spring Cleaning !

    Hellos, miss Foo is back to post again :D ! Didnt went out at all today, maybe only out to throw rubbish >< Had been tidying up my room for the whole day ! Seriously a very tiring day for meeee ~ Same goes to XGBFF & Junlong too, they are packing their room too o.O ! Laugh, yesterday was watching Wo cai's and this topic is kinda interesting o.O ? It's this survey thingy they made, what kinda girl would girl hates most ~ I think it's quite fun & true ?

    • 第一名 : 背后说人坏话的双面人
    • 第二名 : 别人男人都想抢的抢匪女
    • 第三名 : 超爱占便宜的贪心女
    • 第四名 : 遇到男生就装弱的假林黛玉
    • 第五名 : 爱炫耀的势力女
    Isnt it interesting o.O ? Laugh, if you dont understand, then too bad :/ Anyway, woke up around 11pm and korkor they all were already packing their things ~ So, ate my breakfast & started to pack my things too ! Pack my table 1st, then move my new table in to my toom :D Changed the arrangement too, my room look bigger now o.O ! And, was packing my clothings too ~ Here I am throwing clothes into this black bag, Mommy is taking out clothes from the bag ! Anything she want then ~ I clean my room w/out using vacuum cleaner & mop ! Guess what I use, my bare hands ~ Regret doing that, cos it's super super tiring ! Had chicken rice for lunch, and continue to tidy up my table ~ Finally done, and went to bath ! Now Im home alone, cos they went out to Grandma house ~ Later will be having dinner with them I guess o.O ! Done with today's update, gonna go XGBFF house now & disturb her :D

    Saturday, February 06, 2010

    CNY stuff done !

    *dingdong* Im back to post already ! Changed my blogskin, hahahaha ~ Look at that camera, great right !? It's Shawn's camera btw ~ Laugh, meet up with XGBFF today ! Had lunch buffet @ XGBFF daddy's company with her family ~ Quite alright I guess, ate super full ^^ After that headed to Bugis with her & Junkiat ! Happen to meet till Limhwee, so we went bugis together ~ Went Cotton on 1st, she got her clothes . Then to bugis street, as usual super lot of people ! But, at least she got her dress & I got my bag toooooo ~ Junkiat bought his thingy, Limhwee too ! So, headed to Sakae for early dinner I guess o.O Kinda funny, what I ordered came 1st ~ And, their order was super long I think ! Total of $43 for 4 people, consider alright ba o.O ? Nthg much after that, went back to Tamp and headed back home ~ Im abit hungry now, omg ! I have so many things to do man...
    • Do PM project, zZz
    • Pack my clothings !
    • Move the new table in o.O
    • Tidy my table
    • Help Mommy with chores...
    Any kind soul willing to help me with some o.O !? Laugh, all have to be done by tmr... How do I do it, Im not a superwoman man, zZz ! I know who will help me, Junlong will help me :D Hahahahahah, okokok ~ Im feeling hungry now, maybe gonna go get some Mcdonale now o.O ? Cos nobody's at home, Im all alone ! Btw, I thought today was Sunday & I thought of watching Autumn Concerto at 10pm ~ How forgetful I am har ! Let me post abit longer, do you guys have a valentine this year o.O ? I dont haveeeeeee :( Sad, but I THINK I'll be going out with friends ! It wont be a lonely valentine I hopeeeee ~ Oh btw, I've confirmed the booking of Chalet for my Birthday :D It will be on the 10 march till 12 march, BBQ will be on 11 march ! It's still super long I know, but Im kinda excited already :DD I just hope, it will be a good one ! And hopefully, with those people I wish to seeeeeee (:

    Friday, February 05, 2010

    4 hours of chats :D

    Friday's lesson is the shortest one ! Meet up with Junlong & went sch ~ Ate school's breakfast set, and it's super nice I dont knw why, hahaha :D And went to Roney's lesson ~ Nthg much, was just chatting & laughing ! Deston is a great guy today, cos he acc me to WAD lesson when Im alone ~ After WAD meet Junlong, and headed to S11 for lunch, ate smthg light.... Both of us was sitting at S11, for around 4 hours I guess ! Chatting ^^ We chat about childhood, secondary's life ! Bout what we do, how we bully people xD Laugh, and it's really a great one ! Ohya, he didnt went to work, cos he's feeling sick . But then, we were slacking :z Then went walking around T1, trying to find his clothes & maybe my bag ? But we found nthg ! He send me to Grannny house, but you knw smthg... We walk one round from Tmall to Granny house, then we saw Tmall again ! But well, it's a great day for me (: Ate dinner at Granny house, nthg much ~ Help to fetch my Baby cousin, they are seriously super cute I can say :D And, Daddy asked me to try this Jacob Creek ! Not so bad, I drank "some" ~ Back home, and I finally got this chance to post ~ Read read read ^^v ! Rememeber to tag ! Ohya, I think I lost trust in human being, how sad ~

    Thursday, February 04, 2010

    Out with 3Js !

    Lesson was, just like this ? As usual went school with Junlong, nthg much o.O ? Headed to Tamp for Pastamania with Yvonne, Ervin & Junlong :D Not so bad, after that collected Mommy pants ~ Skipped WAD, and went home prepare myself ^^ Headed out with Jacky, Jopie, Junlong & XGBFF ! Not a bad one, quite fun actually :D Meet up at quite late, cos Junlong had lesson till 6pm ! Quite tired... Walking from FarEast till Orchard ~ I bought my heels, the white one ^^ After that, headed to Chicago's Steakhouse at Cineleasuire, sucks :( For me & XGBFF, the food aint suitable for us I guess, but not for them ~ They ate Steak, and I can see it's delicious from the way they eat, haha ! Walk around Somerset 313 while Jacky & Jopie get their clothings :D Poor Junlong didnt get anything he want, only a hair spray xD ! And, we headed back home around 11 plus o.O ? Quite late, & super tired ~

    Wednesday, February 03, 2010

    Rose from stranger o.O ?

    I still headed to school on Wed, with that super super tired face of mine ! Keep nagging to the guys, bout how tired I am ~ And, my wallet thingy :( Anyway, ended school at 1pm . Waited for XGBFF for 1hour, aloneeee... Get ourself changed and meet up with Yazi ! He's late again, used to it ~ Headed down to Bugis, again -.- And, this girl got high waist skirt (: Me, got a button shirt from Cotton on ! Not so bad I think, hahahaha ~ Nothing else, headed to FarEast ~ She bought her heels, a pair 2 colour ! Im thinking should I get that too, cos it's really a nice heel I think... Walking at Orchard road & people are giving out roses, how nice har ~ This is the 1st flower I received, how sad to receive from a stranger :( Anyway, headed back home with a super tired mood, but it's not over yet ~ Meet up with Cindy & Angela, they came my house overnight ! Eat smthg, and we continue to chat ~ Till 3am I guess, and didnt realise my room can put 3 matress at once ! Maybe cos I've moved the arrangement o.O ? But then hor, still I gotta wake up early for tmr lesson ~

    Tuesday, February 02, 2010

    Welcome february (:

    *dingdong* ! Sorry didnt updateeeee ~ Sunday I did nthg at home I guess ! Skipped sunday and start Monday . Monday reach school super early, 750am me & Junlong is in school already ! Headed to Stadium, waiting for the others to come ~ So both of us were chatting away, till the gym is open ! Headed in and continue chatting on the cycling thingy ~ Laughing away, nthg much I guess ? Went for break at around 930am till 1030am ~ Ate breakfast set, lalalalas ! Back class trying to do the PM project, but I guess it's abit impossible ~ Once again skipped PM & headed back home ! Did the project with Junlong help, thanks har ^^v And, around 7 plus XGBFF came find me ~ Waited for this Yazi to reach, and we ate Mcd for dinner ! Chatting away, and I feel so cheated :( And, I knew this (....) isnt a good person at all . Most important, I hate people lying to me ! And, he lied.. Too bad, sorry no more friend ! Okokok, chills ~ 1st lesson is canceled for today, means lesson start 12pm ! Dont knw why, I feel abit bored today . Seems like, my wish aint coming true already... Cos, it's getting further and further from me :( I hope it's me thinking too much, I hope what I was think aint true...

    Updated (:

    Meet Cindy & Angela, ate PepperLunch & I BURNT my wallet, sad :( Chit chatting at Sunplaza Park, chat till quite late I guess, hahahah ~ Smthg happen, and I guess do nthg will help ? Well, decided to stay overnight at her house ~ So went Cindy house first, then to my house ~ After that back to Angela house ! Suprise for her ^^v And, her workmates started bbq ~ She's like blurred but I guess she like the suprise too :D Chatting and singing songs, how great ! Love going her house, cos her house is like Heaven, has got everything :D We sing together, 3 person with one mic each ~ Isnt it cool, laugh ! Too lazy to bath, so headed to sleep and rest around 5am ? Was chatting, and as usual Angela fall asleep 1st ~ Nthg much, still gotta go lesson tmr :(