Friday, February 05, 2010

4 hours of chats :D

Friday's lesson is the shortest one ! Meet up with Junlong & went sch ~ Ate school's breakfast set, and it's super nice I dont knw why, hahaha :D And went to Roney's lesson ~ Nthg much, was just chatting & laughing ! Deston is a great guy today, cos he acc me to WAD lesson when Im alone ~ After WAD meet Junlong, and headed to S11 for lunch, ate smthg light.... Both of us was sitting at S11, for around 4 hours I guess ! Chatting ^^ We chat about childhood, secondary's life ! Bout what we do, how we bully people xD Laugh, and it's really a great one ! Ohya, he didnt went to work, cos he's feeling sick . But then, we were slacking :z Then went walking around T1, trying to find his clothes & maybe my bag ? But we found nthg ! He send me to Grannny house, but you knw smthg... We walk one round from Tmall to Granny house, then we saw Tmall again ! But well, it's a great day for me (: Ate dinner at Granny house, nthg much ~ Help to fetch my Baby cousin, they are seriously super cute I can say :D And, Daddy asked me to try this Jacob Creek ! Not so bad, I drank "some" ~ Back home, and I finally got this chance to post ~ Read read read ^^v ! Rememeber to tag ! Ohya, I think I lost trust in human being, how sad ~

1 comment:

  1. woohoo! almost everyday, meet up with JunLong...
    Go skool together... wakakakakakakakakaka!
