Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Rose from stranger o.O ?

I still headed to school on Wed, with that super super tired face of mine ! Keep nagging to the guys, bout how tired I am ~ And, my wallet thingy :( Anyway, ended school at 1pm . Waited for XGBFF for 1hour, aloneeee... Get ourself changed and meet up with Yazi ! He's late again, used to it ~ Headed down to Bugis, again -.- And, this girl got high waist skirt (: Me, got a button shirt from Cotton on ! Not so bad I think, hahahaha ~ Nothing else, headed to FarEast ~ She bought her heels, a pair 2 colour ! Im thinking should I get that too, cos it's really a nice heel I think... Walking at Orchard road & people are giving out roses, how nice har ~ This is the 1st flower I received, how sad to receive from a stranger :( Anyway, headed back home with a super tired mood, but it's not over yet ~ Meet up with Cindy & Angela, they came my house overnight ! Eat smthg, and we continue to chat ~ Till 3am I guess, and didnt realise my room can put 3 matress at once ! Maybe cos I've moved the arrangement o.O ? But then hor, still I gotta wake up early for tmr lesson ~

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