Monday, February 15, 2010

Interesting o.O !


Hellooooos ! Woke up around 10am I guess, kinda lazy to wake up ~

But no choice ! Drag myself up and went to prepare myself .

As usual, took some photos before going out !

But Im not wearing heels today, cos my blister is killing me ):

Today's visits is almost all to Dad's friends ~

Nthg much, headed off to AMK 1st ~

Went to Mommy's godpa house & chatting around !


They were browsing my camera's photo, & looking at yesterday's photo !

Mommy's godpa was guessing whose my boyfriend through the photos ~

He guess that, Junlong is my guy, then I giggles !

No comment, but just giggles away to make him change topic :x

Chatted awhile, and headed off to Hougang !

Same thing, took angbaos & eat some stuff ~

Nothing new ! After Hougang, went Bedok ~

This lady house, has sushi !

Made by her daughter, so damn niceeeee ^^

Then went another house at Bedok !


This Baby is super cute right !?

Laugh, she's only 3month ^^ And, how cute of her !

She'll look to my camera screen when she knows Im taking photo of her ~

Pretty cute & clever har !

Took quite a few photos, but this was the cute-est :D

She can fall asleep while drinking milk !

Laugh, but I dont dare to hug her ~

If not, I sure take photo of her !

Till 4pm, went to 3rd aunt house :D Cousin gathering !


Chatting & taking photo around !

Laugh, deciding whether to go Kbox or Movie ~

But, Kbox tonight is $40 per person !

Kinda ex, & it's hard to decide which movie should we watch ~

So final decision, went Granny house for Blackjack game !

Hahahaha, so walk over to Granny house ~

Started to play Blackjack,

& I wont quite a few dollars I think o.O !

How great of Granny to cook Beehoon for all of us,

when we are already hungry ~

Laugh, so went back home around 12am !

Kinda tired, and tmr gotta go Godma's house ~

Okokokok, nights ^^