Saturday, June 12, 2010

Went Pulau Ubin with family & daddy's friend ! Woke up around 11 plus, baby said i woke up quite late ~ But anyway, around 1 plus went prepare & waited for mommy to come back ! So, daddy fetch us to ubin ; meet up with his friends; and we waited for 3rd aunt to come ~ Well, it seems like me & didi is the only "Teenager" over there ? But well, nothing much I guess ~ Laughs .


So was taking photo while waiting for the boat ! This little girl har, have super lot of expression when i says i wanna take photo ~ Look at her expression, laughs ! She's kinda cute & she keep telling her daddy : "I want follow jiejie, I want follow jiejie" ! And well, I became a nanny just like this, haha ~ But i can say, she's really really cute ! The boat trip is $2.50 per person I think ? But my uncle paid for the whole boat, so that we dont have to wait ~ It has been a long time since i've sit on a boat ! And that feeling is kinda.... You know you know ~ Anyway, took photos on the boat !


Went to a temple and pray, that's the main purpose of us going ! And, no photos can be taken there ~ But, i've seen a lot a lot of durian trees ! And and and, my leg is full of mosquito bite you know ~ And... I didnt bring the cream to apply ! So, i keep scratching :x Anyway, leave the temple & took boat back to changi ~ Ate at one restaurant & it cost daddy $242 ! Well, for 11 people it's alright i guess ~ They were drinking beer, blablabla ~ And, chatting after eating ! Nothing much ?


So, the both of us keep taking photo again ! Laughs ~ I guess we took around hundreds of photo ? Awww, it's kinda fun going out with them like this ~ I bet, i gotta bring baby along the next time ! Or maybe, just the 2 of us will do ^^ Anyway, went home & it's really tiring ~ But it's a fun outing ! Back home, around 9 plus went downstairs for food again x) ! Back home, sleep, hahahaha :x

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