Sunday, June 13, 2010

went out with xgbff today ! i thought my phone was like dead ~ i couldnt open my phone, no matter how i took out the battery again and again ! how sad ~ anyway, went to singtel & that person told me "Your phone is officially dead, I cant open".... how sad it is ! so both of us headed to simei, sony ericsson's service centre ~ awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww, that person say, "Your phone's battery is too low to open, I help you charge awhile ~" both of us went... (-.-) ! but anyway, headed to suntec after the phone is charged for awhile ! Meet up w/ ervin & went to IT fair ~ waited for baby & yvonne to have their breaks at 4pm, headed to KFC ! the whole of intel's stuff were there too -.- but anyway, walk in the IT fair for 3 hours ! bought a card reader ~ & we were laughing at the bangla, they keep shouting, "lai lai lai, laptop cooler wu kuai qian ($5)!" *we are so bad* !


anyway ~ finally they end work, & went walking around ! chuayouwei (yazi) is so stupid ! he lost his way at suntec city, hahaha :x told him step by step, which shop to walk pass, which way to go after which shop ! anyway, found my Adidas water bottle, thank you baby ♥ ~ after that, headed to foodcourt for dinner ! okokok, this guy yazi "seems" very pathetic on that day ~ cos me & xgbff keep on keep on disturb him, hahaha ! come on yazi, we know you dont mind right xD mrt back home, & baby acc us till paya lebar ! leaving the 3 of us, walk home from tampines interchange :D *great chat, weird topic*

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