Friday, May 07, 2010

I feel safe when Im with you !

Helloooooooo ! Last night, baby came over around 7pm ? & he helped me to download Microsoft Office 2007, thank you my dearrrrr ♥ ! Anyway, headed out for dinner with didi ~ 3 of us went to 802 for Hokkien Mee, compared to the previous time we go, this time round taste worst ! But anyway, happen to see Limhwee over there ~ So somehow acc him eat & chatted awhile :D After that walk back home, from Tamp802 walk back Tamp381 ! It's kinda cool, to chat along the way & laughing away ~ On the way back, walking pass a mango tree & the mango drop right in front of us ! 3 of us got kinda shock, but couldnt stop laughing at each other reactions after that xD Back home, took disc 4 & 5 of Cruel Temptation from XGBFF ! 3 more disc left, all the way till disc 8 :D Back home, watch 2 episode & went to sleep ~

Skipped lesson this morning, cos Baby & I was feel super tired ! So, continued sleeping, till around 10am ? Woke Baby up & request for Mcdonald breakfast, HAHAHAHA ~ So Didi helped us to buy, & continued watching Cruel Temptation ! Baby keep on saying "Cannot offend girl, kinda scary!" Laugh, silly ♥ Anyway, this guy keep complaining bout his blackhead on his nose & keep wanting to paste that thingy to remove blackhead ! And ya, we did paste that thingy ~ The result was kinda awesome for him, but not for me ! Perhaps he have more blackhead to be removed, thats why the whole thingy look so disgusting after he took out xD But this silly guy, is still keen to paste again ! *Silly*

And, as the time reachs noon, the weather become so terrible ~ All the way till 2pm ? Baby went back home to prepare for work, poor him ! Intended not to work today, but his manager doesnt allows ~ BABY MUST JIAYOU ! He'll be whining to me bout he's very tired, very sian-ed ~ No worries, Im here baby ♥ Okay, I guess my weekend gonna be the same again ? Tmr going Grandma house, Aunt's baby (Skye) 1st month ! I think Skye this name, is kinda kinda kinda cool ~ When he grows up, he'll be very handsome I think xD Okay, done with updating my blog :D Off to watch Cruel Temptation !


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