Sunday, May 09, 2010

Baby I can see you Halo !

Saturday went over to Granny house, it's Skye's 满月 ! So headed over with Mommy & Daddy ~ Reach there and quite alot of people ! Anyway, ate something over there & was doing nothing all the way till Channel U showing "Down with love" @ 930pm ~ They adults were having some drinking session & chit-chatting around outside Granny's house ! All the way till 10 plus, headed back home & didnt watch Cruel Temptation bcos Im too tired ~ But well, woke up next day around 10am ? Prepared myself & meet up with Baby ~ He've got 2 days MC & he's spending one day with me, sweet !

Okay, so the both of us meet up at Tamp interchange ! Having no idea where should we go ~ A moment, decided to go back my house, a moment wanted to go elsewhere ! So final decision, headed over to Bugis area & decided to watch IpMan2 ~ Bought 410pm ticket & went nearby to had Wanton Noodles 1st ! Baby treat me, hahahahahaha :D Anyway, went over to Iluma's cinema & watch the show ! We were almost late ~ Walk in the dark & I sprain my leg ! But somehow, not so pain ~ The show was really a great one ! And somehow, it's me & Baby 1st time watching movie, the 2 of us only for the 1st time xD ! Parted at Tamp inter, & headed back home ! So, that's all for my weekends (:

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