Wednesday, January 13, 2010

* 学校, 比较好玩 ! *

Hellooooooos ! Im back again ~ Im super good girl I think ! Cause I attend all lesson from monday till now :D I will go for all lesson, but for friday I gotta consider ? Laugh ! Anyway, had been meeting Junlong every morning at Tamp inter then bus to school ~ Thanks to him, if not I think I'll be late for every lesson ! But well, that mean my card's money is going lower & lower cause it's not concession ~ It's alright actually ! Ohya, school was greater than I expect I swear . I never fail to laugh again and again in school, my cliques are really great people ! Yesterday had lunch at CS, went to eat Pepper Lunch ~ *thumbsup* man ! And today had lunch at school I think, nthg much happen ba ~ Ohya, Yxiang brought this Monopoly cards to class & made us all entertained ! Had been playing this card for the past few days, quite interesting ? And it's seriously laughter to us, maybe I should take a photo of them playing har :D My sick aint getting better I guess ? Eating sweets in school isnt helping my sick, and it got worst ! Im coughing & sneezing away now and then ~ Especially early in the morning & late at night ! Hahaha, but I wont be going to doc ? I think abit waste money, Im too poor, hahaha ~ Junlong keeps repeating : "Go see doc, you need med !" I'll keep reply : "Nahs it's okay, I'll be fine soon !" Kinda funny, I think I really have to stop eating sweets ~ Okayokay ! Today lesson end early ~ Went T1 with Yvonne, Ervin & Junlong, then went home ! Back home resting, after that went to Granny's house ~ Ate dinner, then back home again ! Got something quite confused bout ~ I today then realise, money really hurts relationship isnt it ? Whether it's teenagers or adult, I think there's still people who would betray friends for the sake of money ~ But what to do, this is the reality I guess ? Im going off alrdy, byeeeeeeeee :D

PS : Remember to tag my blog ! && VISIT = Photographer-y

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