Monday, January 11, 2010

* 蓝色星期一 *

Im back to post for today ! It's monday, & my attendance is 100% today ~ I went for S&W this morning . Running around the stadium 1st, then went gym & slack around ! Laugh, Im super tired :/ And had breakfast set during short break, back to lesson again ~ Was doing nthg, zZz ! Chatting around, after that had break @ Cafe 2 ~ Didnt eat cause I dont have any appetite ? Headed for PM lesson, quite bored at first ~ But it got much better after a chat with Junlong ! Lesson started & teacher starts to say bout presentation ~ Listen & joke around, early release for 1 hour ! So headed to Cafe 2 again, this time round Im hungry ~ Tried the new stall, aint that nice man ! I didnt eat much, dont taste well . Went for Graded Lab, was doing at all ~ Im slacking around, & our group are joking around with each other ! Quite fun ~ Lesson ended around what time I forget :/ Anyway, took bus 12 back home ! And dinner I dont know how do I settle it ~ I am hungry, *again* ! Tmr am I going to school, good question ~ I also dont know :/ We'll see how then ~ Done with updates, byeeeee !

PS : Are You Reading ? *Giggles*