Saturday, December 26, 2009

* 圣诞圣诞 ! *

Yes Im back to post bout yesterday thingy ! Laugh ~ Headed to "Salon" ! It's a aunty house, with a room looking like a Salon, seriously cool :D Had our hair done & my hair look so flat nowww ~ Laugh, Mommy perm hers ! & Didi cut his hair, but he wasnt that willing to do so actually, laugh ~ He left 1st, and after we're done I went Grandma house . But Mommy didnt ! She went back home, took Daddy's spec & pass it to him ~ Mr Forgetful xD Was chatting & playing around with cousins @ Grandma house ! *enjoyed* Xchange gift was great, I received quite a number of gifts ~ Thanks har :D Not forgetting food that Grandma cook, niceee ! And, wine from 8th Uncle ~ Left Grandma house around 9pm ? Went to find Yazi & got my present from him ! Headed back home & uploaded those photos in FB :D How's your Christmas ? Tonight gonna go Kenneth's chalet & Im gonna ton there ! Mommy allows to :D Tmr gonna go support Parent's singing competition ~ Laugh, 加油加油加油 !

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