Sunday, December 27, 2009

* 第500个故事 *

Helloooos ! This is the 500th post, laugh :D Okay, I know Im random ~ Well, last night cab to East Coast with Gerald ! My 1st time ther :x And, was chatting with the guys when Im there ~ Then kenneth came ! Went to the beach & was taking photos ! Ohmy, Kenneth & Gerald har ~ They are seriously seriously funny man ~ Jus look at the photo, *giggles* ! Anyway, headed to the Hawker there & eat . Total price is $35 I think ? Was chatting and joking around ~ Waited for Weisheng to end work too ! Then walk back to the chalet, decided to go home due to some reason xD Cab home with Leonard & Glen ! Thanks for the ride :D Back home, sleep ~ And today, I finally can wash my head ! How great, laugh ~ *giggles* Later will be going to Parent's singing competition ! Good luck ba :D

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