Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Im back posting ! Ytd went out with XGBFF ~ Well, we totally place our cleverness at hopme ! Laughs, two idiots went out ~ Anyway, headed to White Sand and took Neoprints ! So damn funny, we didnt realise that the time is running out ~ Left 6sec, was too late for us to design xD Totally like, ohmygod ! Laughs . Anyway, headed to beach and chit-chat session starts ! Well, talking bout the past ~ How many stupid things we did, should this and should that ! It's all too late man ~ Yea, bitching with this silly girl ! Mood was quite alright still ? Headed to Grandma house, ohmygod.. They asking me bout his father thingy, and my tears like couldnt control ? Well, around 8pm headed to the wakes with Mommy & Daddy . He look so unwell man, it's so heart breaking see-ing him like this ? Chat for awhile, hope he's better ! Just told him, he gotta be strong ~ Anyway, couldnt sleep for that night ! Called him and chatted with him till 7am ? At least he's not alone, if not he'll be thinking bout this and that ! Alright done, Im going to work :DD

整个画面都是你 (:

Monday, September 28, 2009

Singing Competitions !

Hey yea ! Im back posting :D Laughs . Yups, ytd was Mommy & Daddy's singing competitions !
Well, it was quite a great oneeee ! Was busy helping mommy with her hair & make up ~ Laughs .
Her attire was totally so nicee xD And, look young ~ Daddy is so tense every competition ! Laughs .
But after competition he's so so different ! Anyway, the competition was quite a fun onee ?
Daddy got 2nd place in the individual part ~ And for the duel, they got 6th ! Not bad already uhs ~

Being a camera girl was my job too ! Laughs ~ Well, at least it's fun ! It's not boring :DD
Didi was the video-cam guy ~ Helping them to video their performance, laughs ! So busy ~
Mommy performance was not bad, but she's too tense ! And she forget lyrics, abit wasted xD
She's dissapointed too ~ But nvm, it's a good experience right ? Next time try harder :DD

Well, after that headed to 201 for dinner ~ Daddy's friend treat, he got championn ! How good ~
Anyway, walked home after the dinner ! With the trophy they won ~ Each me & bros take one !
Totally, feel so honoured xD Laughs, althought not I sing but I feel proud :D So silly ah xD

Took one photo with the trophy, so happy ! Laughs, im so kiddy mann ~ Anyway, back home bath !
Such a tiring day for me ~ Well, but at least I enjoyed :DD ! Went down for supper with didi ~
Together with Mommy's singing mate ! They are so damn cute & friendly, seriously man !
Went home around 12.30am ? Headed straight to bed, so damn tiring ~ Working later on, zZz ~
Totally no mood for work already ! Hmmm, just gotta act as if nthg happen thens ?

你要坚强, 好吗?

Friday, September 25, 2009


Hellos ! Short updates alrights ? Cause gotta prepare for work soon soon soon :DD Ytd work again ~
Well, nthg much I guess ? People ther are friendly, everytime work with different people, laughs !
And dinner, Yang came and acc me :D Big thanks to him, if not I'll be alone eating dinner again xD
After work, around 10pm headed home ! Tiring day everytime I end work, leg will be so damn pain ~
And, waited for Mommy to take away food for me, Im hungry in the middle of the nights, ohmygosh !
Im gonna grow fat this way man ? Nvm, one day 2 meals for me would be enough already, no more ~
Okay ! Gotta go prepare for work, 4pm again ~ Tmr one more day, & Sunday I'll get to rest :DD

不管发生什么事, 我要坚强..
惠欣听好, 不准哭?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Picnic :D

YuppYupp ! Tuesday headed out with Yvonne & Ervin :DD Planned picnic, and the location @ Vivo ~
Reach there and started chatting away ! While enjoying the food :D I prepared sandwiches again ~
And, they prepare crabmeat, hotdog & Greentea :DD Shared our past time stories, laughing away !
The food was almost half finished, and we started to get bored already xD Photo taking session :D

After that went walking around ~ Walking around Vivo, here & there again & again, boring uh xD
Received Deston phone call, he's coming to find us :DD While waiting for him, walk around again ~~
Yups, when he reached ! Walk out of vivo, and went to the open area for kids ~ Take photo againn :DD
Both Deston & Ervin become our photographer ! Laughs ~ Help us take photos, from different angle xD

Big thanks to Deston, he's my photographer for the day ! And the kids are running around us :x
Lastly, took a group photo before we leave the playground ! Laughs, seriously funny when we take photo !
There's one, need balancing on both side ~ We were was shouting & screaming when we play that :x
Damn paiseh ! But nvm, all kids ~ They wouldnt know what are we doing either, yeah xP Laughs ~

Headed to Toy 'R' Us after that ~ Took quite many photos inside the shop, but only upload a few !
There's more at facebook :DD ! After that, headed to Bugis Fushion they played pool, totally ~
Me & Yvonne very quiet ~ Cause the environment damn..... Anyway, we were damn quiet there !
All the way till they end their game, walk out of there then we started talking loudly, laughs ~

After that went to MU-EE ! Bought this cute little handphone chain, with a small handphone :DD
I bought white & Yvonne got silver :D So damn cute & nice mannn ! But, price to pay !
After that, walk awhile and then headed home ! Thanks Deston for sending me home, a good guy :D
Back home, damn tired and went to sleep early ~ Cause working 12pm the next day, which is today ~

Today went to work at 12pm ! Was quite alright uh ? People there was friendly, and funny too :DD
Was stocking up those things, quite relax ! But my shoe is giving me big problem, damn pain man ~
Not gonna wears that tmr ~ And work till 4pm, Yang & Xinyi came :DD ! Chatting away, laughs ~
Till 8pm, I go home liaos :DD ! Left the 2 working till 10pm ~ Tmr, Im working 4pm till 10pm ~
How boring it is ! They wouldnt be working tmr ~ And, they are working for the last week already !
Nvm, Im used to being alone nowadays ! Im independence okay :DD Well, I think it's normal yea ?
Done with this long post, byeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Off to sleeep, nights (:

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Random !

1. A man won’t let go if he really loves you.
Do not hold on to someone who has let go of you. He does not love you and does not value having you. Believe me, he will not let go if he really loves you. There is another reason he is not willing to tell.

2. Do not look for reasons why he ended the relationship.
There is only one reason why he ended your relationship. He just does not love you. Don't waste time thinking of reason ! Move on and be open to a man who will truly love you.

3. Do not get hang up on your past.
Do not distrust your current boyfriend just because your ex hurt you. Do not treat him or the relationship the same way. Do not compare. He will not react the same way as your ex. Do not be worried that your simple mistakes will cause him to look for another girl. What happened with your ex was not your fault. It was not because you didn’t guard him enough or you didn’t make him happy enough.

4. Do not look into images.
How many times have you met a girl who didn’t have the best image in school or at the office, but you get to know the girl and found out she was actually extremely nice? Do not rely on images. Oftentimes, it is far from reality. Do not fear men just because your “supposedly” perfect ex-boyfriend mistreated you.

5. Always have your own set of rules.
Set your limits on how far you’d go for a guy. It’s perfectly ok to give and do everything as long as it’s worth it. And it’s worth it if the guy is treating you right.

6. Do not be scared to lose him.
Don’t be scared that he’ll break up with you. Once you are afraid of losing him, you easily can be taken advantage. Be strong and if something is unacceptable, do not accept it and speak up.

7. Avoid calling your guy.
It’s a guy thing. The relationship will definitely be better if it’s the guy who’s calling, not the girl. He will get tired of you if you keep on calling. He will lose interest and challenge. More so, he will get annoyed. But it’s a girl thing also that your fingers get too itchy until you dial his number. But avoid as much as possible. Call only if really needed (like checking if your suspicions are reasonable).

8. There is a guy who will value you.
There is a guy out there who can make you feel valued, appreciated, and loved. And I mean, not just during your first few weeks together. So don’t lose hope. Don’t settle for a lesbian if you are not attracted to women. There is a man out there who can love you like a girl can. Also, do not believe him when he says it’s just the way he really is. He’s not the sweet or expressive-type. Remember during your first few weeks together? Where has that sweet guy gone? He simply is not that into you anymore.

9. Always be the only one, no matter what.
Do not ever fall for a guy who has another girl, be it his wife, girlfriend, or any girl that he says he just can’t get rid of for whatever reason. If you truly believe that he loves you and for some reason, he can’t leave or let go of another girl, then you are no different from any ordinary mistress.

10. He must respect you.
No matter how long the relationship has been, he should always show respect towards you.

11. If he fooled you, end it.
Philandering once is enough. You can never trust nor respect the person again.

12. Never start a relationship the wrong way.
Do not steal another girl’s man, for whatever reason. Nor should you enter a relationship for the wrong reasons (loneliness, on the rebound, getting back at your ex, man-dependency, etc.) it is bound not to last. You will only end up wasting more years of your life.

13. Do not force yourself into a relationship.
Do not get into a relationship just because your friends are getting impatient with your dating escapades and the one hasn’t come yet. Do not choose who to say yes to based on superficial things like money, looks, cars, etc.. If you are even thinking of these things, you have not fallen in love yet.

14. Do not settle.
If you are not happy anymore with your relationship, break up instantly. He will not stay with you forever no matter how upright he might seem to be. Eventually, he will also want love and happiness in his life.

15. A relationship has to have love.

Love is the only thing that will push you to give your efforts into making the relationship work. And believe me, keeping a relationship requires genuine efforts of both parties.

16. Don’t be afraid to be single.
It’s fun to be single, try it. You can go out whenever and wherever you want. You are free. You can date whomever you want and you get to go out for free! Do not get a boyfriend just for the sake of having one. Do not settle.

17. Be a good girl.
Be a good girl to attract a good guy. Enter the relationship with sincere intentions. Take the guy and the relationship seriously with the plan of spending the rest of your life with that person (of course, this is after you had your bit of fun in your younger years). If you compare your flings from your real relationships, you will know that the latter makes you happier and more fulfilled.

18. Love without limits.
Whether you loved and gave everything or loved but held out for some things, if the relationship ends, you still get hurt. But if you gave your everything, you were happy and you could say that it was worth it. If you didn’t give your all, you get hurt for nothing.

19. You will get over him.
Love is over-stated. Love eventually ends and you are free to love another.

20. Be the one.
Act like you are the one. Don’t be a nagger. Don’t hinder his gimmicks. Don’t give in to him too easily. Make him treat you as important. Don’t be easy. Don’t be like every other girl he had in his life.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Nice day for me ?

Love vs. Hate Pictures, Images and Photos

Im back posting ! Sorry, no photos bout ytd ~ Cause Im working ! Well, was quite alrights for me :D
Anyway, reached White Sand around 3plus ! And, I got my uniform already ~ Lucky, it's just right !
Started working, lucky Yang & Xinyi was working too ! If not I'll be damn shy & quiet xD
Packing stocks and chatting away with them ! Quite a slacking job, but gotta walk round & round ~
Dinner was alone, cause not enough people working . So, gotta take turns for our breaks, okok lahs ?
Quite funny, I saw one uncle sitting on a chair . And the chair break ! Damn funny, @ kopitiam man !
Yupp, and around 10pm close shop le ! Xinyi & Cat was fiddling with the cashier thingy, seems hard ~

So, me & yang left at 10.30pm ! Laughs, took bus 21 back home . Saw him at bus-stop, damn it !
He totally act as if he didnt see us, wtf man, so be it then ! Kinda pissed, but I think okay finee...
So, no point being so affected by him when he dont care at all ! On the way back home, silent !
Anyway, back home watch tv till 1am ? Could get to sleep till 2.30am, dont know why ? Laughs ~
Okay ! Im free from work for today & tmr :D But from wed till sat gonna work constantly xD
Today gonna go visit Khayrul @ Hospital ! Hope he'll get well soon :D And tmr Picnic with Yvonne ~
There goes my off day ! Laughs ~ Anyway, gonna go prepare soon ! Meeting Yang& Leo @ 4pm, Tamp :D

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Long day !

Yeahh ! Im back already :DD Had a super long day out ytd ! A enjoyable one too :D Laughs*
Meet up with Ervin & Yvonne ~ Ervin was late ! So he treated the both of us drinks xD Funny ~
And yups, went walking around Suntec City ~ Laughing and joking around ! Took photos too .

Till around 5 plus Des came along too ! Headed to eat KFC for dinner ~ And, walk around again !
Took quite alot alot of photos . Just posted some nicer one ! Cause kinda troublesome xD
In and out of esplanade, and nearby ! The scenery was really nice, and of cause we took photos ~
Actually wanted to go clubbing, but Ervin still not age ! And, our attire is so in-appropriate xD
Couldnt think of whr to go... Sit around, trying to waste time away ! But still, it's early !

10pm, no where else to go ! Decided to go home, but when we get in the platform, change our mind again ~
Last minute decided to go Kbox ! Yup, took MRT to cineleaisure then ~ Big thanks to the guys :D
Me & Yvonne kinda broke already :x So, the guys helped us pay for the Kbox fees ! Thanks mannn !
Ask bout the Part-Time job, and they are hiring ! Filled up form, and interview at the next day 8pm ~

Sing till 6am ! Took the first train back home, everyone was so damn tired already man, sleepy look ~
Thanks Deston for sending me home :DD ! And we chatted quite alot ~ This and that, him & her xD
All the way till my house, ate breakfast at the coffee shop nearby ! More energetic, but still tired ~
Back home, right away went to sleep ! Till 12pm, the air-con man is too noisy & I cnt sleep !

Prepared myself and went to Tamp with Mommy & Didi ! Mommy disallow me working in Kbox ~
Kinda sian-ed ! But, I have the Guardian job already . So, nvm bah ? She's worried I guess, Laughs .
Bought 3 white tees, some needed for working tmr ! Im gonna work 4pm till 11pm I think ? Woohoos !
Finally I gets to work . I wonder how is it like to work in Guardian ? And, Im abit scare xD
But nvm ? I'll be able to see Yang tmr :DD Working together, I wonder how is it like ? Laugh !
Off to sleep, Im sneezing away cause I dont have enough sleep ! Bye my readers :DD

Friday, September 18, 2009


Happy 14th Birthday Boy :DD

Hey didi ! Happy Birthday to you . No present for you, sorry ah xD
Hereby wishing you all the best, for everything ! Esp, relationship :D
Enjoy your kbox trip with your friends & once again happy 14 birthday !

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Define, everything ?

Im back posting :D Didnt post these few days, cause nthg much happen ? Monday went out to Pasir Ris !
Together with Juan, Winnie & Cass :D Meet up with Juan 1st, then winnie, after that Cass ~
Headed to buy some snacks, then went to Pasir Ris ! Found a spot, and started to settled down .
Started to eat and chatting around ! Well, long time didnt meet up with them & ther's so much to talk ~
Took photos too ! Quite a fun picnic, cause it's only girls talk ~ No guys, so chatting around .

Leave Pasir Ris around 7 plus bah ? Headed to Tampines, walked the 3 malls, its a tiring day for us ~
Well, ytd headed to Grandma house ~ Nthg much ? As usual, ate dinner &back home !
Today, suppose to go out with Yvonne & Ervin ! But, Mommy last min ask me do chores ~
By the time Im done will be late already ~ So, didnt went out ! Ate lunch with kor @ downstairs .
Well Well Well ! It's a holiday for me now ~ BUT, Im so so bored at home ! I wanted to work mann ~
Hope I'll get the job @ guardian ? Laughs* Then I wont have to rot, & snatching com at home !

Had been watching taiwan entertaining show ! So nice man ~ Esp, 我爱黑涩会  !
Wanted to share smthg interesting ! They made a survey, "What are the 3 topics that irriates girls"
I mean between a guy & girl, when they are on a date ! The topic girls doesnt wish to listen to ~
There this ranking thingy ! The 3rd one is, things about army ~ Ohmy, I think it's boring too !
For the 2nd topic, is talking bout other girls ! The guy must be so damn stupid okay ~
Now now, the 1st one is about SEX ~ I do agree with this too ! Laughs* Do you think so ?
Im done sharing :DD Off to go for dinnnerrr ! Byeeeeeeeeee ~

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sentosa :D

Yes, Im back from Sentosa mann ! Laughs* I really enjoy :DD ! But, damn tired pleasee ~

Meet up with the others at around 11am ? Laughs* Had breakfast @ LJS ! Didnt eat much bahs ?
After that, off we head to Sentosa ! The sun was so damn big ~ Started playing Volleyball & fresbi !
Quite fun & enjoys ~ Took some photos & was chatting around ! Ohya, went with 6ppl + me ~
Played till around 5 plus ? Damn sticky & hot please ~ Thanks YS for lending me his towel, laughs !
Wash up and took the tram back to Vivo ~ Laughs* Still feel quite hot, bath again back home !

Ate dinner at Vivo & was quite quiet ! Maybe everyone is tired le >< Laughs* Im tired too ~
And, it's still early for us ~ Laughs* Headed to Dobby Ghaut for pool again, i only watch !
After that QY came along to play too ! Laughs* While they play we were chatting & gossipping ~
Damn damn funny alrights ! Talking bout this and that, so much much thingy ~ Called MrSoh too !
Asked him bout whether our class would be seperate, the answer is no ! Laughs, great great ~
I dont want to seperate with PMJ ! Laughs* And, he dont know whens the result, I want to know !

Anyway, played till around 10pm ? Laughs* Took MRT back home ~ And thanks YS for his ez-link !
If not I'll be poor girl >< Back Tamp, walk home ! Called Mommy and told her bout my ez-link card ~
She scolded me, so sad mannn ! Thanks Ervin for talking on the phone with me, feel much better !
And back home, bath and post blog ~ Tmr, picnic with Juan & Winnie :D Long time didnt meet up ~
I'll be preparing sandwiches againn ! Wish me good luck >< 1st time ! & my sunburn is so pain !
Done with posting, off to sleeep ! Tonight, sleep with air-con ~ Cause my face & body is burning ><

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Cycling :D

Yes, Im back from East Coast Park ! Damn tiring day for me man ~ Dont know why, laughs*
Anyway, these few days quite moody ? Yes, Im so stupid like an idoit man . Seriously, retarded me !
From 3pm plus, waited for the others till around 4pm ? Cycled from 5pm tll 7pm, damn tired ~
Didnt take photo, cause it's damn windy man ! Oh, I went with Jim, Ervin & Yvonne :DD
And, after that walk to Marine Parade for dinner :D Nthg much bahs, just chatting here & ther !

Yes, this silly Ervin ! Laughs* Handsome yeahs ? He'll be happy if he see this photo ~
Oh ! Im damn careless man . I lost my ez-link card while Im cycling >< And, I paid $2 for the trip !
Cause I doesnt have small change ! And me, walk home from tampines interchange, super tiring ~
Anyway, tmr going Sentosa with classmates I guess ! I want it to be a fun one, pleaseee ~

Im not really in the mood ? I feel so stupid & silly of me .
Most imptly, I feel my self so cheap & slut . Really :(

Friday, September 11, 2009

I wanted you ?

I wanted you to be there when I fall
I wanted you to see me through it all
I wanted you to be the one I loved
I wanted you to hold me in my sleep
I wanted you to show me what I need


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Letting go..

Hellos everyoneee ! Im back posting againnn :D Missed me ? Both exams has ended, great man :D
I'll be able to enjoy my holidays now ! Althought I dont know is it holiday already, but I dont caree ~~
Since I've studied hard for my studies, I shall play hard for my holiday then :D Laughs*
Anyway, ytd after NWT paper ! Headed to Tamp with classmates :DD Ate LJS for lunch, niceee xD
I almost forget Im coughing lik free, but I dont care >< Cause, it doesnt matter to anyone :D
After that, decided to go Kbox :DD MRT to Orchard, acc Ys & Des take Pay ! And, Ys treat us !
Thanks man :D Sang till around 7pm ? Headed to Yoshinoyah for dinner, and the night is still young ~
Well, still doesnt wants to go home that early ? So, headed to Dobby Ghaut and they played pool :D

Till around 9 plus ? Took bus 65 back to Tamp interchange ~ Meet Han, after that headed home ~
Before 12am Im home ! Laughs* Bath and it's a damn tiring day for me ? And, Im single ~
Msg him, and both of us thinks that being friends would be a better choice than being strangers ?
Yups ! So now, still friends as before :D Anyway, sleep quite late last night ~ Was chatting !
And, today I guess nowhr to go bahs ? Laughs* Rotting at home again I guess ? Better than study ~
Off I go lo, byeeeeeeeeee ! I should be satisfied enough now ? *giggles*

Monday, September 07, 2009



Sunday, September 06, 2009

RCT makes me stress mannn ~

Hey Hey ! Im back to post ~ Took abit of my studying time to come online and update this blog :D
Ytd ah, meet up with the guys for studies ! Meet at Bugis, and almost all of us were late xD Laughs*
And, we couldnt find a place for us to study ! Walk around Bugis, up & down ~ Again & again ~
In the end, MRT back to Tampines and study at S11 -.- ! Damn pathetic yeah, laughs*
Did the pass year paper for RCT, die man >< Quite a lot of things need to memorise ! Laughs*
Gotta buck up abit man ! Studied till around 8pm ? Acc Ervin & Jianhua wait for bus ! Chat around ~
After that walk home from interchange with BABY ! Laughs* Chatting bout quite many things ?
But it's only me talking non-stop ! He always listen to me talk only, how boring it is.... *Sighs
Ytd I didnt eat much things ? Ate only 2pancake ~ Kinda pathetic ? But I dont feel like eating actually ~
In fact, I feel like vomitting ! Feel damn terrible, so headed to sleep early ~ And, didnt study much ?
And, I broke my Adidas water bottle last nights ! Damn careless of me xD Laughs*
I want the Ribena's water bottle so badly ~ I want the green green green ones ! Ohmy ~
This morning had breakfast at house downstairs with Family ! Ate breakfast set, nice mann :D
Stayed at home, studying the difficult module I had ! (RCT) Laughs* Stress cause of this module ~
And, I think Im falling sick ? Feeling so terribly unwell man ~ Weird stomach too mann !
Gotta take care of myself then ? Thanks for concern, to those who showed concern to me :DD
Done-ed with post now :DD Off to grab some soup and then continue doing my RCT studies :D
Wish me good luck for tmr exam pleasee, I need that luck ! Cause RCT makes me so so stress xD
Byeeeeeeeeeee ! & NWT Im much much more confidence pleaseeee ~

PS : Mommy just called me & said she found the Ribena's Bottles :DD

Friday, September 04, 2009

Study weekends for me !


Short updates will do alrights ! As promised, today I'll have to study ~ RCT or NWT 1st ?
Hmmm, think NWT 1st ? Cause im more interested in that ~ And, I have all the impt notes I need ~
RCT teacher wants us to score well, but he only give worksheet.. Nvr tell us what's impt to study ?
Anyway, just gotta study those worksheet he gives then ? And browsing thr the pass year paper online !
Too bad, I dont knw how to use Daddy printer ! But nvm, I have the file in my thumbdrive already :D
And later I gotta use laptop ! Cause there's too much influence using desktop in korkor room xD
MSN is already making me cnt study ~ And, I will hand itchy go click the PPStream & watch show ~
Okay, done with my short updatesss ! Bye peopleee, everyone work hard for study alrights :DD !

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Last day of termmmmm :)


Hello my dear readers ! Im back posting againnnn . Didnt post recently due to class test ~
Recently had been bugging with my studies ~ Hope I'll score well ? Both test are so near !
Well, got back my NWT paper back today ! Woo-hooo, I got 70% out of 100 mann :DD
Laughs* And for my NWT phase test I got GOOD ! It's the best grade already, hahah ~
But for RCT, my class test I think I got 50 plus ? Well, and phase test I think everyone pass ?
Okayokay ! Today was the last day of term mannn ~ Everyone was super hyper, cause it's last day !
Somebody had already self-declare their holidays man ~ Well, still gotta work hard for final examm !
Ohmygod, it's like less than 1 week ? Coming monday having RCT & wed's gonna be NWT next ~
Well, with MrSuen's revision, NWT should be no problem for me :D But RCT I think sure die xD

Okayokay, today LLA was cancelled ! And we got 3hours break mann ~ Totally no idea whr to go !
In the end, decided to go Tampines ~ KFC for lunch, & Sunplaza park next ! Laughs*
Was playing around like kid, and laughing away ! Sweating like hell, cause the sun is damn hot !
Headed back to School, with a "Iced-Pop" in our hand ~ Laughs* Kinda funny, but miss that feeling !
Remembering when we were in primary school, that thingy is a must whenever we pass by a "mama shop" !
Anyway, today took class photo ! I suggested xD Both module teacher ! But not with our CA, MrSoh ~
And, after lesson headed to Grandma house ! Nthg much I guess ? Tonight not gonna chiong studies ~
Tmr I'll continue with my notes for RCT & NWT ! Wish me good luck peopleee :D Laughs*
Alrights, done blogging mann ! Goodbye my dear readers :DD Still, I enjoy school life best !

Cause I'll nvr stop laughing :D

Tuesday, September 01, 2009



一份简讯 可以表示你关心.. 两人之间,维持朋友的关系,也需要这份简讯吧?
但你有没有想过? 到底该怎样才能维持朋友的关系? 我曾有过一群好朋友? 一个个失去联络了..
经过这些事之后,终于明白,到底谁才是真心的! 没有常见面,就代表忘了对方吗? 不是吧..

我和心肝超级好友的感情, 是我信任的一份友情! 虽然没有常见面,但也不会忘了对方的存在~
有了新朋友,当然也不会忘了要和对方传简讯? 不会去想,为什么是我先开始联络她,而不是她..
知道对方伤心,马上问问对方还好吗.. 可能帮不上忙,但至少那份关怀对方还能感受得到!

最近我才发现,原来友情是那么脆弱的? 也没有我想像中那么坚强嘛~

沉默, 是不会出买的朋友..