Sunday, September 06, 2009

RCT makes me stress mannn ~

Hey Hey ! Im back to post ~ Took abit of my studying time to come online and update this blog :D
Ytd ah, meet up with the guys for studies ! Meet at Bugis, and almost all of us were late xD Laughs*
And, we couldnt find a place for us to study ! Walk around Bugis, up & down ~ Again & again ~
In the end, MRT back to Tampines and study at S11 -.- ! Damn pathetic yeah, laughs*
Did the pass year paper for RCT, die man >< Quite a lot of things need to memorise ! Laughs*
Gotta buck up abit man ! Studied till around 8pm ? Acc Ervin & Jianhua wait for bus ! Chat around ~
After that walk home from interchange with BABY ! Laughs* Chatting bout quite many things ?
But it's only me talking non-stop ! He always listen to me talk only, how boring it is.... *Sighs
Ytd I didnt eat much things ? Ate only 2pancake ~ Kinda pathetic ? But I dont feel like eating actually ~
In fact, I feel like vomitting ! Feel damn terrible, so headed to sleep early ~ And, didnt study much ?
And, I broke my Adidas water bottle last nights ! Damn careless of me xD Laughs*
I want the Ribena's water bottle so badly ~ I want the green green green ones ! Ohmy ~
This morning had breakfast at house downstairs with Family ! Ate breakfast set, nice mann :D
Stayed at home, studying the difficult module I had ! (RCT) Laughs* Stress cause of this module ~
And, I think Im falling sick ? Feeling so terribly unwell man ~ Weird stomach too mann !
Gotta take care of myself then ? Thanks for concern, to those who showed concern to me :DD
Done-ed with post now :DD Off to grab some soup and then continue doing my RCT studies :D
Wish me good luck for tmr exam pleasee, I need that luck ! Cause RCT makes me so so stress xD
Byeeeeeeeeeee ! & NWT Im much much more confidence pleaseeee ~

PS : Mommy just called me & said she found the Ribena's Bottles :DD

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